Biggest wild trout this season?

whoa they are. do boat fish count though ? :lol:

seriously though, I'd love to know Reeder what you caught them on - sinking lines and streamers or something else ?


Congrats on some very nice trout! Awesome fish on here. Inspiring. More to come I hope. They are out there.
typical UD trout, nothing special


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Thanks. Neither of mine are boat fish. Both from small to medium sized freestones. The last time I was in a boat with a fly rod was almost 20 years ago paddling around loyalsock creek at the big hole at hillsgrove in a canoe. The bigger one I got on a size 16 pheasant tail the 2nd one I caught on a size 6 golden stone.

Haha, I knew that was coming
See the above comment by Moon-- he gets it. Someone had to do it.
When you put a ball on a tee someone is going to hit it.
Thanks! I have been pulling more and more large wild browns out of that particular stream each year.
It's been a Summer for big fish for me.
I'm sure most of the larger 20-30 inch fish are results of fingerling plantings but many of the tribs to the river produce wild browns and bows along with some stockie holdovers.

Here's a few from last week:



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That brown is awesome! How big was that fish?
A bit over 30"
Caught a few morning ago.
My friend got a similar sized brownie the next night.
Biggest wild brookie this year.


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Kind of embarrassing but I thought that river was marginal at best for trout and a good fishery for bass, walleye, and pike. You learn something new every day... Great fish.
Holy mother of god Dano!
Are you talking in PA only or in general?
evw659 wrote:
I've been fortunate enough to get 15 or so fishing trips in this spring, mostly on the ljr because it's the closest big limestoner to me. This isn't meant to be a gloating type thread, I'm just curious to see what some follow paflyfishers have been able to bring to the net this spring in the wild trout department (upper delaware doesnt count! jk). I've fished a lot this spring, and caught a lot, but the biggest wild brown I landed was only a little over 17". I caught 3 or so others around 17". What about you guys?