Biggest wild trout this season?



Jul 4, 2010
I've been fortunate enough to get 15 or so fishing trips in this spring, mostly on the ljr because it's the closest big limestoner to me. This isn't meant to be a gloating type thread, I'm just curious to see what some follow paflyfishers have been able to bring to the net this spring in the wild trout department (upper delaware doesnt count! jk). I've fished a lot this spring, and caught a lot, but the biggest wild brown I landed was only a little over 17". I caught 3 or so others around 17". What about you guys?
Been a slow start to the season for me. Horrible chest cold from early April to early May coupled with/followed by what I think now was a partially torn lat from the violent coughing. Feeling better on both fronts now, but now it's hot out!

My best is a 13" Brown from a York Co. freestoner, nothing bigger so far. Despite the relatively fewer outings so far in 2016, that size for big fish of the year isn't really that far off for me as I mostly fish smaller freestoners. Most years I get a couple fish in the 16"-18" range, but some years a 14 or 15"er is my best.

I caught good numbers of fish on Sulphurs on Kish and Spring at the Jam, but they ran small...mostly 8-9"ers with a handful topping out around 12".

Pic of "fish of the year thus far" below...Ignore the apparatus laying on the ground with which I bested this beast.


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the apparatus is either an ugly spinning rod , a modern day atlatl, a spear gun or ?
This is the best fish I have a photo of:


My best fish came on the next cast. He had several inches on that guy. He was netted... twice. The fish managed to splash out of the net on both occasions and caught the leader in my friend's wading boot on the second attempt. There would be no third attempt. Playing him longer and tiring him out a bit more would have got my hands on him but we try to net them as quickly as possible. It was twenty minutes that I definitely will never forget.
5" Wild Brookie for me lol. I've only been out for wild trout once this year and that was back in February. Planning a trip to NCPA within a couple weeks so hopefully that size increases soon. Lot of stockers, a couple Steelhead, and many nice Lakers this year too.
Wild brown.

My best one of the year so far. Nothing special but for a Laurel Highlands, SWPA freestone wild fish, I was very happy.
My 17" brookie from January is still my best wild fish this year. Stuck on 16" with wild browns - still very nice for the small freestoner they came from. I've lost battles with two 17-19" fish that I'll be targeting hard until I finally win those fights...both just big, old beasts in deep pools on small mountain streams. Either of those are likely to be my trout of the year if I can land one or both.
Not the biggest but a nice one


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the big "D" may 24th


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24" stocky bow on opening day.
A nice one. Did not measure but over 20" for sure. Next to last fish I cannot tell if stocked or wild but it was a nice one. Good yr so far!


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One more nice wild trout


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Stocked or wild?


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My biggest, its actually over 20" the net distorts the size.
Salv- Awesome fish. Huge tail. Congrats!

Hope we see more pics from guys. May was good!
724 I scrolled through your photo bucket and that was a awesome bow

11 inch Brookie for me... Not much wild Browns this year
Wow, nice fish so far everybody! Keep em coming...
Salvelinus, that's a monster wild brown. Pretty sure I know where you caught it too.
My biggest of the year so far include these two. Both Penns fish. A third in the same class joins them, though I have no pic. Caught on 3 consecutive days (Wed, Thurs, Fri during jam). Didn't measure but they're in the 15-17" class.

I did lose at least one bigger one, which I saw. Lost a couple more too which felt big but I did not see.


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Streamer eater from the Lehigh in March, at 19". Had several other big hits that day. There are too many boulders to cast behind and only so much time!


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