Big Sharks in Florida



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
The topic of fly fishing in Florida has been discussed a good bit lately and any such discussion often involves sharks as they're part of the culture of FL inshore sport fishing, and the Keys in particular.

Anyway, here's a fun story: it's not FFing to be sure, but indicates the size of many of the sharks that prowl close to shore in FL. There's a cult following of (mostly young) fellas who really get into this combat fishing and target giant sharks from the surf or bridges. This particular fish is a great hammerhead, which is immediately obvious due to the size of the fish and towering dorsal fin. Hammers of this size are actually fairly common, esp around Keys bridge channels during tarpon season (they love to chomp hooked tarpon). The big hammers themselves often prove tempting targets themselves for avid shark fishermen.

Big Hammer!
Thats awesome.
WOW.... That is some awesome shark
yep I still have all my sharking stuff for the beach. might be building a new beach buggy this year if things work out and I find a new vehicle to modify..
I was fishing off the Jacksonville pier last month.The thing about surf fishing Florida is since they don't have the big waves they have further north most people actually over cast as the heavy feeding can be just a few dozen feet in.Anyway I got a kick out of watching the pier regulars catching 4 foot sharks n the wash where most swimmers would never believe sharks were all around them.My old home,Daytona beach has the dubious distinction of being the shark bite capital of the world.Thankfully not fatal ones.
I didn't try for the sharks as my tackle was to lite.
Boy, wouldn't everyone freak if that was in the day time! That must've been something to do from shore.
That would be pretty epic. That is a serious trophy in anyone's book especially right on shore.