Big Fishing Creek - State College



Active member
Jun 1, 2016
Towards the end of this month I'll be driving through State College on my way from Lancaster County to my camp in Forest County. In the past I have stopped and fished Spring Creek. This year I am contemplating stopping and hitting Big Fishing Creek. I am primarily a nymph fisherman.

This all sounds like a good plan but I've never been to Fishing Creek before and was wondering if anyone with experience fishing the stream would be willing to share any insights/access recommendation. I've been doing what research I can on my own online and in books but nothing beats first hand knowledge.

Thanks in advance,
Big thanks kobalt for the information. I'm quite excited to get up there to enjoy the water and scenery.
By all means take some time to fish this stream as it's one of PA's legacy trout streams and a gorgeous place.

Two points based on my experience: compared to Spring Creek, it is a much harder stream to consistently catch fish. Fishing Creek is just very hot or cold (hatches really help to wake the fish up). This stream has sent me off a more humble angler than I was before on many occasions. . . but I keep going back.
The other issue is wading. It is a rocky stream and tough to wade.

Nymphing is a good approach and would be my first thought if no surface activity is visible.
I've fished BFC one time, three years ago. I started early, around 7:00AM, and I caught 4 average (10"-11") browns in my first hour, or so. I thought it was going to be a stellar day, until it just stopped! I didn't get another strike all morning. lol

I came to learn from a friend at TCO, that early is the ticket on BFC. He told me it's a funny stream and that I should have been content with my results, which I was. I honestly had envisioned bigger trout though. Maybe next time!
wildtrout2 wrote:
I honestly had envisioned bigger trout though. Maybe next time!

Thats what makes BFC great. There are always bigger fish around, it's just getting them to eat. This morning I was after stockies and caught quite a few. Then my line stopped,set the hook and nothing happened. Gave a little tug, and next thing I know the fish was downstream. Ended up being a beautiful 20in wild brown.
TCO Fly Shop's Website has really good information on the stream.

They also have daily stream condition updates for it and several others.

Like mentioned before, the stream can be off and on. It's my favorite stream in the area though for some reason. It's the stream I cut my teeth on learning fly fishing so that might be why.
It's also a stream that you can raise fish by fishing dries. It and Penns are the only 'major' streams that I can think of where that is a legit approach.
I’d add the Breeches and Delaware. ^^
Just drove across it this evening, amazing grannom activity. The road was covered completely, and now my truck is too.
Thanks everyone for all the comments. 3 weeks and counting, I cant wait. Sounds like its a hot or cold stream. So I can prepare to either be a hero or a zero depending on the day.
BFC is a cool stream definitely fish it.

I take raising fish by fishing dries means catching fish on dries blind casting dries? Honestly you can do that anywhere if you're persistent enough and know what you're doing. BFC should have something hatching while you're there though.
