Best of the Year - 2023 Edition



Well-known member
Apr 5, 2015
Currently ADK; formerly DWG
I know we've got 2 weeks left, but let's get some good fish vibes to wipe away the schisms of the year.

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I had a couple contenders, including some of my first Delaware system fish, some big bass, a Champlain trib salmon, and some beautiful ADK brookies, but this was it. It was my second carp ever, a hefty fish, and a helluva crazy fight in a small creek. Made my year.

Dump em out, folks.
I started a new job and a new career path this year, so I am working on 65 trips, many on weekends, not 90 or 100 like some years.

I did attend my first warmwater jamboree and met some good guys on the forum and because I was fishing weekends more I did more social fishing for a change. Still, I was happy to catch some nicer fish on the weekends for the first time in a long time. I guess it wasn't just the fact that I could fish on Tuesdays that solely contributed to my success 😁





I'm pretty lousy at capturing pictures of me and fish while fishing, but I will gladly enjoy looking at others photos.
I’m going to stay with the Carpin’ theme of the OP. I had an absolute blast this summer over about 5 weeks hammering the mulberry hatch. I think I caught 16 carp this year during that hatch. I worked hard for them but it was definitely better than any hatch I caught on a trout stream in 2023.

Hooker, I was so so pumped for you when you closed the deal on that fish, very cool!

Here are a couple of memorable mulberry munchers from ‘23! Hang in there, Hooker, the carpin’ season is only a few short months away!!!

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I’m going to stay with the Carpin’ theme of the OP. I had an absolute blast this summer over about 5 weeks hammering the mulberry hatch. I think I caught 16 carp this year during that hatch. I worked hard for them but it was definitely better than any hatch I caught on a trout stream in 2023.

Hooker, I was so so pumped for you when you closed the deal on that fish, very cool!

Here are a couple of memorable mulberry munchers from ‘23! Hang in there, Hooker, the carpin’ season is only a few short months away!!!

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Thanks! Still driving by my primary waters once a week or so just to keep an eye on things!
Nice Brown and bass and striper and freakish stocked Rainbow.. All flyrod. I caught more bigger stripers and bass on spinning rod though. Got a few carp but cannot find pics. Looking back I had less time on water this past year but had some very memorable days and fish for sure. My son getting me out on river definitely made for some good bass and striper fishing


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I know we've got 2 weeks left, but let's get some good fish vibes to wipe away the schisms of the year.

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I had a couple contenders, including some of my first Delaware system fish, some big bass, a Champlain trib salmon, and some beautiful ADK brookies, but this was it. It was my second carp ever, a hefty fish, and a helluva crazy fight in a small creek. Made my year.

Dump em out, folks.
I am just learning carp on fly. Most challenging of all the fish if you ask me.
No Pics...
Just a "HOLY ****" when this Smallie took his first jump 10 yards in front of me.
Was " scout/fishing" section of river I originally came to late fall, previous year, working downstream.

On this day, decided to work upstream and focus on really nice slot
with stretch of 4-6ft water.

Will fact that this hook up happend with Sparkle White Tube, and Spinning Gear, disqualify me from this thread?, 😁
The elusive 30” trout? Maybe.

A woman and her husband were sitting on the bank and watching as I fought and released the fish. When I walked to the bank the woman declared that she had captured the whole thing on video, and asked whether I’d like her to email it to me. I said I did.

Later that evening when I returned to my cabin and checked my emails I had received one from her as she had promised, but this is all that I got. One frame only, after I had released the fish and it had swam away. It could have been my best fish ever.

2023 was a very good year for me. Pics of a 25" rainbow and a 32" steelhead. The year also notable for the one that got away, massive brown on Penns after the Jam lost after an epic 5 minute fight...

