Best Nymph



Jun 25, 2010
I'm trying to find out everyones favorite nymph. Personally. I would say a gold bh white caddis. It looks like those of the caddis in the streams near where I live. I'll try and post a picture of it later, see if it works for you....What does everyone else think?

It could be an old favorite or a new tie.
No 1.Pheasant tail with or without a bead. No 2. Gold ribbed Hares Ear.
+1 for Pheasant tail
Does it get much simpler than Walt's Worm?

Wrap something fuzzy on the hook. Done.

As long as there's something in the water that's generally the same colour as whatever you wrapped around the hook, it'll work.
The old standby's, Pheasant Tail, followed by the Hares Ear, peeking caddis and Kaufmanns Stonefly.
PatriotFly26, got any pics of that white caddis? curious on that.

more recently, I'll definitely say a rubber legged copper john, size 20, in red and copper wire. I've been having constant hookups on it.
PT all the way.

It's brown (like most insects in the stream) and has fuzzu gills, a few tails and legs.
A red head with long legs and a tight waist. Oh we are talking aa bout flies.

I like walts worm an PT on a curved hook. I like mono eyes on my nymphs instead of beads.
PT def. ranks up there for me, I also do well on walts worms. There are so many diff variations of the PT, bead head, soft hackle, I think it really covers alot of ground when it comes to mayflies. Also, its really cheap to tie, and doesn't take much time
My main's are either a GRHE or a fly I tie that I call Black Bertha. It's a black hackle tail, black dubbed body, silver rib, black hackle and a bead head. Works like a charm for me.
Would have to say Gold Ribbed Hares Ear and variations of that style, i like a dyed mallard wing case , or wood duck , the tail fibers too either wood duck or dyed mallard , they move more than hackle it seems.
I currently am having difficulties uploading photos.....

The smaller a hook you tie it on, usually the better.

You bulk up the body with white thread, you can use a white chenile or floss depending on the look of the caddis in your area.

Towards the front just behind the bead, add a small about of dubbing....I've had tons of luck with that for brookies in small streams, and in other types of situations....

What I was really trying to get out of this was ideas for flies to tie this winter. Anyone have pics of their favorite nymphs?
The #1 reason for people's photo's not working is that they don't meet the size requirements. Just a little bit of help for ya.
I don't fish with nymphs often but the best one i ever used was a sowbug tied by an old friend and one time member here, Jeff F, he tied it mostly for Spring creek. Even I could catch fish with it! I think Maurice knows how it was tied.

BHPT in natural, olive and black #14-#15 mostly.

Zebra midge# 18-#20 although may not be considered a true nymph by some. Black, olive, cream/white, red. Change up the color of rib wire from silver to gold, red, blue, copper for different looks.

BHHE #12-#18, natural and olive

BH Caddis, #14-#18.

Tough to pick one, those are the most successful that come to mind for trout. There should probably be a stone in there somewhere as well since spring is in the seemingly not so distant future.

If I had those nymphs, I have to believe I could do well in virutally every freestone stream. If spring creeks are a consideration, then sow bugs, scuds and walt's worms should be added.
The killer!
The pheasant tail is certainly productive, but it isn't the most durable fly in the world. Its hard to beat a copper john for durability. However, my personal favorite might be the sparrow nymph.
It may not be THE absolute best nymph in every way, but I think the Whitlock Fox Sq. nymph with or without bead is as good as any.

I cannot think of a place where I would not fish them with a pretty high degree of confidence..