Best Nymph

RLeep2 wrote:
It may not be THE absolute best nymph in every way, but I think the Whitlock Fox Sq. nymph with or without bead is as good as any.

I cannot think of a place where I would not fish them with a pretty high degree of confidence..

I agree - the Whitlock Fox Squirrel nymph is tough to beat. I suppose my favorite nymph for trout fishing would be a stonefly nymph of some variation or another.
Irish nymphs 80% of the time and agree with many of you; BHPT and BH gold ribbed hairs ear are two favorites, but I'm surprised Prince Nymph didn't get a mention. I fish them a lot and do very well with them.
I'm with you on the sowbug. I was having a real tuff time on Spring Creek a couple years ago. I met a guy that was having no problem catching fish. I asked him what his key was and he passed me a sowbug that he ties and gave me a little tip on presentation. I caught a fish on about my third cast and a few more as the day went on. I have caught fish on that fly everytime I go up to Spring on that fly. I sure wish I knew the guys name I would love to know how he tied it. Interesting point is that he had a piece of mono tied to the shank and use that to attach the tippet.
troutbumm: What are Irish nymphs? Also I've never caught a fish on a prince nymph before.
I wanted to type "I fish" and think I typed "Ifish" and spell checker on my phone changed it to Irish:)

I fish a lot in Somerset area and do very well on prince nymphs. I never leave home without them tied in a bead head and weighted.
Just to correct post above, I tried to type "I fish nymphs 80%..." and I think I typed "Ifish nymphs...." spell checker noted the obvious error and corrected it by substituting "Irish nymphs 80% of the time"

I do not fish Irish Nymphs.....not that there's anything wrong with that.. (just in case one does exist):)
My pick for best nymph is the one that's catching a lot of fish when it is on my tippet!

Seriously, while pattern plays a part - and an important part at times - the more confidence we have in both our nymphing ability and the pattern we're fishing, the more potential for a higher level of success.

We've got to remember that we're dealing with a live critter who must make a decision to accept our nymph. Sometimes we judge or pattern and/or performance sub-par when, in reality, the fish just weren't feeding.

Dave R.
A red head with long legs and a tight waist.

I dated one for 2 years almost killed me.
Prince Nymph is my choice with a gold ribbed hares ear second.