Best/Closest streams to Harrisburg

The PA state museum is nearby. If you like history, that might be a good option.

Spring Creek in Harrisburg is a very good place to see the effects of excessive stormwater runoff on streams.

Maybe the best (worst?) example of "urban stream syndrome" that I've seen.

Anyone teaching students about stream science in that region should take a field trip.

It's one thing to read about and listen to a lecture about the effects of stormwater runoff. But it's quite a different thing to SEE it.

troutbert wrote:
The PA state museum is nearby. If you like history, that might be a good option.

I'll second this. Great for history and also very good on geology, natural history, etc.

If you've never been to the state museum, it's really worth a trip. I was there again a few days ago. It never gets old for me (part of the large mammal exhibit is closed for renovations). There's even a display case talking about Charlie Fox and the legacy of FFing in central PA.
I have been to the museum but it has been a while. In fact I used to work right beside the museum at the Keystone Building. Good thought and maybe I'll check that out.
+2 on museum. If water is low Rockville Bridge from the west side is nice and not far from HACC. Just be very careful, would hate to take a swim this time of year....
I will be fishing this area tomorrow if the weather and stream flows allow. Have not decided where to try yet. Has anyone been out recently?
SNJChef wrote:
I will be fishing this area tomorrow if the weather and stream flows allow. Have not decided where to try yet. Has anyone been out recently?

A lot of high water right now and flows are rising tonight. Forget about the Susky.

If it were me, I'd head up into the local mountains for brookies. The big flows combined with warmer temps would definitely pull me to some small freestoners right now. Northern Dauphin, Perry, and Cumberland (on both sides of the valley) counties have an abundance of brookie streams.
you could fish Clarks. Just walk along the bank and fish it where there is an opening. Use black wooly buggers.
Thanks for the info, heading out to hit the brookie streams. My meeting cancelled so I have the whole day.