Beginner Tyer Swap Idea ....

Another idea I thought was maybe we could all meet up to swap our bugs and then fish? I know it would probably be tough coordinating everyones schedule though. Just a thought...
I would be interested as well.
Those flies look good tyger.

Your muskrat nymph and mine vary greatly, not that there is anything wrong with that. Mine are only muskrat dubbing (real hide with the guard hairs in) dubbed onto a hook.
J55tyger88 wrote:
my most confident is a recent buggy muskrat nymph I've been tying with some insights from lv2nymph's mink nymph.

That beadhead muskrat nymph is a great looking nymph. I may be tying some of them up. Both muskrat and mink are great furs to dub nymphs with and have a really good look when wet. lv2nymph wouldn't steer you wrong - he knows his stuff. His beadhead mink nymph is an awesome pattern. I saw a roadkilled mink this week. Unfortunately it was a little too dead. If it wouldn't have been quite so used up I would have pulled over and tossed that critter into the bed of the truck in a heartbeat.
PAgeologist ... keep ur eyes open on the forum for the 1st swap thread.
Jim, those three nymphs you have there are perfect. Really look good, they will take fish anywhere. Nice tying.
Thanks for the compliments, but they could use some more practice. I struggle with a dubbing loop so im trying to work on incorporating that into my nymphs/wets. Ive been doing alot of reading about Bob Wyatt, and read his selective trout book. I like how he uses simple patterns that hint at being food for trout, which results in flipping the trouts go, no go switch.
I'm in for this too Stagger. Sounds like a great idea. I'll have to think of something to tie
Guys ... what do u think the rules for adding another tying swap. Understanding that we have a deadline on our 1st swap, will have deadlines on all others, we are just gauging our time to tie, everyone seems to be enjoying and enthusiastic, etc, etc .... if someone wanted to start another

1) How many weeks after the current swap should the deadline be?

2) Interest in specific genre of tying (dry or nymph for ex) or should we keep it a free for all

3) How do u vets handle this and how many swaps do u have going on crossing over?

etc, etc ..

Any other questions or ideas welcomed b4 we post our 2nd

yea stag thar sounds great.This swap deffinetly put more concentration in to my tieing.I can't wait to start catching fish with you're guys flys.I have never tied a bass fly, but that might be something to try.Personally I think four weeks apart from due dates would be ok.I am haveing a lot of fun tieing for this swap and would love to do it again
Agree with Mic, this is a lot of fun. The normal flies I tie tend to be good enough for me, but for the swap, its like I'm really critiquing my ties. Im down for more swaps for sure!
How bout next swap we focus on stuff we could use for the newbie brush up day? We could exchange flies then and use that date as a deadline for next swap? Whats everyone think about something like that? I dont know when the brush up day is but i remember it was early june last year. Maybe we do some non hackle dries like spinners or comparaduns? Just some thoughts, i know not everyone has 576 premier $8000 dry fly hackle necks :)