Beginner Tyer Swap Idea ....

Today's the 17th (Happy St. Paddy's Day!) I think we should start the official sign up thread on the 24th.

Given that we are Newbies, I suggest we look at two weeks to a month to get your ties done and to the distribution point. We should post what we are going to tie and a pic of the fly to give everyone an idea of what's going on.
For example, I'm thinking that I will do the attached midge and one other fly.

I was thinking that we should use this thread Afishanado's Suggestionsas a general guide for tying possibilities, But only as a set of suggestions. (We are all new to the tying game after all)

Sounds like we 7 people ready to go (Still haven't forgotten RCFetter).

Thought is not to worry about two or more people tying the same fly, the idea is to get us working to tie better and share our skills as they increase. So go with what you are comfortable with.

And a big THANKS to the people who have volunteered to assist Newbies.

From the enthusiasm displayed so far this could turn out to be a lot of fun!



  • Midge Green.jpg
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Stagger Lee - In

J55tyger88 - In

Djs - In

Rolf - In

mic - in

Phiend - in

sipe - in

Djs wrote:
Given that we are Newbies, I suggest we look at two weeks to a month to get your ties done and to the distribution point.
Yea ... I'm not sure on time but 2 - 4 weeks seems like a good ballpark. Would like to know what the gents on the roster think in terms of time ...

Djs wrote:

We should post what we are going to tie and a pic of the fly to give everyone an idea of what's going on.

We'll post this in the swap threads.

Im good with the time frame. When/how are we gonna decide what to tie? Is this like a nymph swap?
Or what about doing multiple newb swaps with nymphs, wets, dries, streamers for throughout the spring and summer?
J55tyger88 wrote:
Im good with the time frame. When/how are we gonna decide what to tie? Is this like a nymph swap?


My thought for this swap, since we are all rookies, is that we tie one or two of any flies we want to offer up to others. Hopefully this will keep anyone from panicking due to their favorite pattern being taken.

The picture of the midge I posted earlier is one of two I will tie up for the swap.
Not sure what the other one will be yet, but I think Ill shoot for something that will be at least a little stretch for me. AKA - something I haven't tied yet or in quite a while.

What do you (and anyone else) think?

Gathering ideas is why Stags and I started this thread, so throw stuff at the wall folks. :)
Ok i see what u mean. Well, id like to tie a hares ear nymph and wet. Maybe ill throw in another one for newbie perspectives.
I Like the idea of making this a serial tying swap. Let's see how everyone feels as we progress through this kick off.

If one of our mentors from the forum would kick in with suggestions for flies to follow u with after this kick off, that would be great.

The idea is to minimize the amount of pressure anyone might feel, but still have everyone wanting to produce their best efforts.

If y'all decide to tie two flies each, maybe one "favorite" pattern and one new pattern? That way you can each hone skills and expand your skills.
I'll be tying a latex abdomen stonefly and a 'yet to be determined' nymph.
BC, thats what i was kinda thinking. I use hares ears alot and do well witg the ones i tie, but ive never caught a fish on my hares ear wet. Id like to tie them up and have other people try them to see if they catch fish as well as i picture them to in my vise. Know what im saying?
BrookieChaser wrote:
If y'all decide to tie two flies each, maybe one "favorite" pattern and one new pattern? That way you can each hone skills and expand your skills.


That's exactly where my head is at for this "event"

Some easy, and productive, flies are zebra midges and muskrat nymphs, if you fish limestoners. Scuds are a simple tie, again limestone. Hare's ears are good to have and an easier tie if you use pheasant tail fibers for the tail. Wooly buggers are always good to have in a box in multiple colors, and you can learn to wrap hackle.
I posted a thin mint wooly bugger that most might not have, though it does include more materials than a normal bugger so it may not be a great choice.

I figure most want to stay away from dry flies for now.
J55tyger88 wrote:
BC, thats what i was kinda thinking. I use hares ears alot and do well witg the ones i tie, but ive never caught a fish on my hares ear wet. Id like to tie them up and have other people try them to see if they catch fish as well as i picture them to in my vise. Know what im saying?

I know exactly what you're saying. This is an opportunity to get your flies in front of exponentially more fish, as well as fish in new streams.

This sounds great. Its like free marketing for my flies to trout! This should be good fun. Great idea! When do we start...
J55tyger88 wrote:
This sounds great. Its like free marketing for my flies to trout! This should be good fun. Great idea! When do we start...

I'm loving the enthusiasm you guys are showing with this. I'm going to have a whole lot of fun keeping up with what is happening on your newbie tyer swap thread.

Hey tyger, fish those hares ear wet flies, they work almost anytime. We are just coming into the time of year where they will kick some butt. There are a ton of variations of that pattern and in my mind they probably all work great...... just a good buggy lookin' wet fly. Fish 'em, gain some confidence in them and they will catch a lot of fish for you. Confidence is king in flyfishing!
J55tyger88 wrote:
This sounds great. Its like free marketing for my flies to trout! This should be good fun. Great idea! When do we start...

Good question. How many flies? Who do we send them too, (address)? When do you need them by? Do we send you an envelope with postage back?

Watch for the kickoff post tomorrow after I get out of work and have time to post.

The intent of this thread was just to judge if there would be enough interest to fire it up.

Looks like there might be. Wadda ya think??? :lol:

Rolf wrote:

How many flies?
Will depend BUT the first swap thread will have all the what's we think of and each thread after will vary I guess. Expect a few hicups at first ... we're newbies and it's expected (lol)

Who do we send them too, (address)?

Do we send you an envelope with postage back?
DD answered abt this but I'm still not sure ... all i know is I'm gonna get me a few altoid tins and have someone steer us with logistics

When do you need them by?
Same answer as the "how many flies" ... think that will be addressed in the inaugural swap thread. Seems the guys currently swapping choose a date and just stick to it.

My $.02 ... I like all these ideas and fully expect some trial and error the 1st few times. As long as we are tying, exchanging new patterns, meeting some more guys on the board even thru "cyber world", and having fun .... As DJ wrote keep eyes on this forum we should be ready to go in a day or 2. I'm gonna start tying the pattern I learned this weekend tomorrow anyhow ...

My muskrat nymph

My Hares Ear wet

My flashback Hares Ear nymph

I'll tie all 3 for this swap, mainly because I love to tie, and to get some of my ties in other peoples hands to see what they can do.
DC410, I agree with the confidence point, and was discussing this with some lads Saturday. I was explaining that although I love to tie imitations, my most confident is a recent buggy muskrat nymph I've been tying with some insights from lv2nymph's mink nymph. I think mainly I've been focusing on my depth of flies, and indicator placement when on stream opposed to my selection of bugs. Looks like im gonna be drowning some hares ears wets in my near future.

I'm pumped for this swap! Should be loads of fun.