Beginner/Simple Fly Swap 2011

mine should arrive 2maro, thanks for waiting
flies will be going out next Thursday...
Cool. Looking forward to seeing them. How many total people did we end up with?
seven at the moment, should be eight, but I'm still missing a I'll throw in an extra pattern or 2...
Hoping mine showed up...
boss_steb wrote:
Hoping mine showed up...
yeah...they made it here fine.

as to mine, I hope you guys don't mind a few streamers, as i whipped up Mickey Finns and Black Nose Daces, as bucktails are the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of simple flies. Also gonna throw in some San Juan worms, as flies don't really get any simpler than that.
if you need another, i have some i can send today or monday as a late entry just let me know how many
including yourself, our total would be nine.
how things looking on the swap? Thanks for doing this...I have run a few and they always take longer than you think...

Just curious if the flies have been mailed yet. I did not get mine and just want to make sure they didn't get lost in the mail or anything. If they haven't been sent out yet that's cool just wanted to make sure.
Just mailed them today...please inform me if and when they arrive, and if you don't get them, tell me, PM an address and I'll tie you up a new set...
Cool. Thanks for the reply and thanks for running the swap.
Hey all. I just got my flies in the mail today. Great job by everyone involved. They all look great!
got um thanks again for running the swap and all for tying
Got them in the mail a few days ago - they all look really great. Thanks for putting this together - can't wait to give some of them a try!
Thanks for putting this together...I got mine in the mail the other day.. Everything looks good...I plan on putting a few of these to good use tomorrow...
