Beginner/Simple Fly Swap 2011

No sweat...I am sure it will be a great swap...

Address has been PM'd, contact me if you didn't get it. Deadline to submit flies is October 28th, if everyone sticks to the deadline, you should have your flies shortly thereafter (but keep in mind I do all my shipping on Wednesdays and Thursdays)...
Just finished mine up after a trip to the shop. Should have them in the mail tomorrow.
Finally got the flys mailed off today.
what do you think will be the best container to keep the wings from getting destroyed or smashed down
I hate to do this, but I am gonna have to bow out of this....I have a few tied, but things have been so crazy with my last semester of college that I just have not had time to finish, and do not see me being able to finish them in the future....sorry if this messes everything up...
thebassman wrote:
I hate to do this, but I am gonna have to bow out of this....I have a few tied, but things have been so crazy with my last semester of college that I just have not had time to finish, and do not see me being able to finish them in the future....sorry if this messes everything up...

No big deal, everyone as these personal troubles from time to time, I'll just drop any extras into the donation bin.
Just got mine out in the mail today - should be arriving by the end of the week...

- Tim
I'm in the process of finishing off the Altoids should be in the mail no later then friday
sorry to bow out guys especially at the last minute having a rough case of bronchitis not to mention some other family issues ..... once again i apologize
Am I the only one who actually mailed in flies? Hope everyone doesn't back out....
I refrained from comment earlier on the size of the swap, however a swap always has a couple folks drop out. Additionally, you have shipping costs each way. This is why I would suggest that a swap minimum should likely be 16 people give or take. Let say you pay $8 shipping round trip shipping and end up with 8 beginner flies. On top of that you have the costs and time of your material of the flies you sent out. I know swaps are not meant to be a way to get flies on the cheap, but frankly I find them to be prohibitive for the reasons mentioned.
Late entry if you will have me...I tied up 10 beetles...and still trying to quickly get ready...I should be able to ship 10 the right number?

I've always seen swaps as a way to see different patterns and what works for different areas. In addation you get to see how a material you don't have will look on a fly . If your doing a swap for the added flies then yea i would say your probably going to have what it would have cost to just buy the flies from a shop . Also swaps are great for getting rid of those huge amount of flies you tied and have in stock pile waiting for Y3K>:)
i will be shipping out mine tomarrow, sorry for it being a little late, hunting and school has kept me very busy.
Mine shipped today...
Don't say haven't seen them yet...I tied up a beetle pattern. Super simple and flat out catches fish...I hadn't fished with them until last summer...July on the Clarion River...just rocked em...since then every chance I get I have been throwing them and doing well...Neshannock, Dunbar Creek, Clarks, Little J...

The thow in fly was a sticky caddis tied with UV chewee skin. Very simple...these weren't my best but should still catch fish...
