Beginner, never fly fished

Welcome aboard. GG
This spring treat yourself to some crappy and bluegill fishing[C&R] during spawning time and catch 60 to 70 plus and you will gain confidence in fly fishing....sure it's easy and they are only panfish but you will see how deadly something like a size 12 white marabou streamer can be when fished correctly on crappy-because it imitates the natural and that's the key to flyfishing.
Amount of split shot + placement of strike indicator will allow you to adjust how deep or shallow your fly is and how quickly it gets to that depth
Check out this youtube video with Peter Hayes for help casting.

He is informative and entertaining which are great attributes for an instructor. I've watch a couple of his videos and I think he explains things well. Also, he recommends several things you can do to practice and improve your casting.
If you can make it to the Fly Fishing Show in Lancaster March 5&6, casting classes are available there.
+1 ^ I watched Lefty Kreh do his presentation on casting and it changed the way I did everything.
Thanks for the info. I'll be fishing with some buddies from Pittsburgh this weekend. One of them if going to try to show me the ropes. Lol
Clouser minnow gray over white #4 & #6. Make sure there is a lot of silver Mylar and Krystal flash tied in between the gray and white bucktail. I've been FFing for over 55 years. PM me if you have any questions about anything FFing related.
So today I finally got out and fly fished for the first time.

Went to Clark's Creek in dauphin county. I was seeing fish everywhere but I could not hook up. Finally I tied on a woolly bugger and bam, first trout on a fly. That got my blood pumping. Pulled out 3 more from the same hole. There were plenty more in the hole but I decided to give them a break and head downstream. There were a few guys that walked down before me but I good-by see them anywhere. Walking along the bank I could see fish but it looked hard to get to them. I finally crossed and saw a big group of fish. I stood in that spot for about 2 hours catching fish. It was like nobody fished them yet. They were going crazy after the fly. After that spot slowed down I walked back upstream a little ways and saw fish laying under a tree. Got the fly near them and a monster swam out and grabbed the fly. I tried setting the hook but missed him. Next cast another decent fish. I hooked that one! All together I caught 18. To me it's amazing that I even caught anything let alone 18 my very first time. Learning on my own.
Wow catching trout is not that hard. Don't start that rumor around here. You did that without a casting lesson or joining a TU. better keep that to yourself as well. Great job!
The big question is, "Can you go back there 2-3 months from now and catch 18"?

If so, you're doing good.
Welcome aboard! GG