Beast of a Juniata Musky



Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
My cousin caught this (and unfortunately killed it) last week while walleye fishing the Juniata. We do a lot of cold weather fishing the Juniata for walleye and smallmouth and the occasional Musky is a byproduct of such adventures but rarely are they beasts like this. This wasn't caught on a for rod and I wasn't with him but I thought I'd post to show the potential of what is lurking out there and you never know what you may snag. 49" and an absolute beast for the Juniata.


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Wow - that's a beauty indeed.

Many, if not most, of the big river muskies caught in PA are caught in the colder months of the year by walleye anglers.
Was there a reason he killed it? Was it deeply hooked? Just curious as there are way too many people that think muskies will "eat all the other fish" so they kill them to save a bass. That fish is probably 7-8 years old, maybe older. Heck of a fish but shame it can't be caught again.
fly_flinger wrote:
Was there a reason he killed it?

Maybe he just wanted to keep it.

I kept the first muskie I caught when I was a younger fella.

Personally, I would have released that fish (unless it was injured) but this particular fish was in season and in excess of the minimum size it was legal and ethical to keep it.
Wow! That's a beast, alright.

I know there are a few like that lurking in the Susky near home.
Dave, I always catch my muskies accidentally when fishing for bass or walleye in winter so that is accurate. I have never caught one in warm weather.

And he killed it because he wanted to keep it. Plain and simple. Whether he mounts it or eats it I'm not sure what his plans are with it. Esox fish have some tasty flesh. I've never eaten a Musky but I can vouch for the deliciousness of pike and pickerel.
No question that there are some big Musky in the Susquehanna.
While wade fishing above Duncannon this September,I was bringing in a 14 inch SM and about 20 ft from me the water erupted and a big Musky(est 38+inch) took the SM .Scared the crap out of me!!!!
we all know eating larger fish is not very tasty...and with all the technology these days with phones and cameras which he got a pic of!...i say throw it back...
govtmule wrote:
we all know eating larger fish is not very tasty...and with all the technology these days with phones and cameras which he got a pic of!...i say throw it back...
