Bass fishing during the spawn



Active member
Jul 31, 2010
Interesting read about fishing for black bass during the spawn and its impact on recruitment. Though these results are from lake fisheries, I'm guessing the results would hold true for our major river smallmouth fisheries as well. I'm thinking specifically the susky and juniata where the current restrictions on targeting bass during the spawn are in place.

I know the fish and boat commission argues that the law is unenforcable (though I think most anglers do try to follow the regs), and there are many guides and anglers who would like to see the regs changed back. Is data like this enough to have an impact on decision-making?
I've always found bed fishing for Bass to be the height of unethical. You even see it on TV where Joe-Pro Bass fisherman are targeting spawning bass. The majority of the time the Bass aren't even feeding - simply removing the intruder (lure). I love Bass fishing and love watching the tournament shows, but think spawning Bass should be protected by closed seasons.

Pa. should do the same for the trout as well.
It's a good read.

This article was already posted in the Warm Water forum but did not draw many replies.

I hope that when I visit Mauch Chunk Lake in mid June every year and have a good time catching bass on poppers that I am not disturbing the spawn. I do not see beds when doing this, and except for this year it has been on or around June 15.