Bait Fishing in Special Regs Saucon Creek

From the latest PA Outdoor News a quote by Glade Squires " anyone who see Saucon Creek as a wild trout fishing experience when they're casting 'within sight of a Wendy's' needs 'to have their head examined' "

Really? So because I live in an urban (ish) area I should be able to fish for wild trout? Or the commission should overlook those fish because they don't matter as much as those in picturesque places?
disgusting comment. Way to live up to the mission statement, "Resource first".
A healthy wild trout fishery in a populated area is something to be celebrated, not belittled. It would seem that Squires is the one who needs his head examined.
And he wants to be our latex salesman.

VanDaley Industries,,,,

He don't know the difference between a wild trout stream and a wilderness trout stream. Sheesh. Then he insults his opponents. Who does that sound like?
Rediculous. I'm going to send another letter to the mayor, letting him now they still want to trash our backyard.

Interesting Squires talks down on this stretch yet they are so obsessed with it. I reiterate there is already an approved trout section a couple miles upstream that is under utilized and had stocking cut backs due to low usage.

I'm sure other prominent spring creeks like Spring have fast food restaurants within eye shot.
My proposal is to stock the kiddie pool in the park. It's only used in the summer for swimming. Could be stocked in the spring and fished out by the time the pool opens.

BTW, this is why it's important to understand where the additional revenue gets spent if the fee increase goes through. I'm guessing some people are seeing a stocking bonanza.
he is an idiot. How much more time is left in his term. Perhaps the State Legislators can impeach him.
Just got appointed as executive director...
ebroesicke wrote:
Just got appointed as executive director...

Why post stuff like this? He is President of the Commissioners. He has not been appointed Executive Director.
You are correct, I made a mistake in posting that. I was just reading some pieces by John Araway, Executive Director and my typing got ahead of my brain. Glade Squires was just voted as the President, as you indicated.
Maurice wrote:
And he wants to be our latex salesman.

VanDaley Industries,,,,

Yes! If only squirrels would come running in with his pants around his ankles.

I've never fished the Saucon and probably never will, but I emailed my state legislators about Squires. It won't do anything but at least it makes me feel better. Maybe if everyone made enough noise someone would take notice. This idiot has no business being on the Commission.
Yo sal - good job!! Maybe your EMail got GS to resign?

Does this mean the heat is off for the proposed rule changes for the Saucon? There are some locals there that are the source of these ideas, and they are still there.
Holy crap maybe I did make a difference. I think I'll have a celebratory drink! :pint:
Any update on this? Would be a shame if they ruined this unique fishery.
No real update as of right now. The main PFBC proponent of changing the Regs ( Glade Squires) resigned, so it kind of fell of the radar. I don't think it will go away though, as there are still some very persistent local parties who want to see it changed.

My state senator's rep called to tell me that Squires had resigned. She then asked if I wanted to submit a resume for the other district vacancy which includes Lancaster County. I was flattered but I'm soon to be 65 and have no desire. So there are two vacancies. If any of you younger guys think you'd make a good commissioner contact your state senator show and your interest.
I've been very busy with work and am just checking in. Great news, but I'm sure Erik's right. This may have fallen off the immediate radar, but the forces pushing for it won't quit. Let's stay vigilant, and if anyone hears any news be ready to mobilize with letters, calls, etc.
I will be involved in a few meetings about this, and other, issues in the coming months. One of which, tentatively scheduled for March 1, will probably be open to the public. The organizers are putting together a panel of speakers, which will be PA govt agencies; PFBC, DEP, maybe DCNR etc. the topics will likely include fishing Regs, stream classification, enforcement, water quality designation. The presentations will be focused on how these things are determined, what they actually mean, how they are enforced and how that all works together. A [heavily i.e. No bad behavior ] moderated Q&A to follow. One of the drivers for this is the Saucon issue, and some of the misunderstanding of th Regs, and what changes could mean. I'll report back on concrete dates, times etc.