Bad Vibes on remote waters ?

I was driving into one of my favorite spots a couple years ago, driving down this old dirt road in the middle of nowhere and happened to be following this brand new Mercedes S-Class with blacked out windows, straight out of Miami Vice central casting. He pulled over so I could pass him, which I did but I was only 100 yards or so from my spot so I got to my spot and pulled over and got out and started putting on my waders. For whatever reason he didn't want to drive past me and sat there for like 5 minutes deciding what to do, then finally sped past where I was parked.
There's a sketchy looking house another 100 yards up the road. The Mercedes pulled into that house, then a guy comes out of the house carrying a shotgun and looks up and down the road like he's checking things out, then goes to the car for maybe 30 seconds, then the car comes back our way. My son and I are still putting on our waders on the tailgate, so I tell my son to come around to the front of the car (away from where this car is going to drive by). I laid my pistol on the hood where the driver can't see it but I can grab it quick. The Mercedes flys by and that's it.
The whole rest of the evening I had the heeby-jeebies and couldn't relax. My son and I usually split up or leapfrog up or down the creek, but I made him stay with me (cause I had the gun!!). I even ended up crawling up the bank to get cell service and text my one buddy that's a trooper the location and license number just in case. Thought I was being nuts until I was driving home and I get a text back that said "we're familiar with the place"!

Pick a new favorite spot.
Even the Park Rangers are wacky. Now there is talk of it becoming a National Park. Residents in the surrounding area are dead set against it.
Makes you wonder if "residents" are EVER in favor of making something a national park. People down here got their panties in a bunch over the New River Gorge being made a national park.
One of creepiest things happened in the Delaware when I was wet wading and stepped on a muskrat hunkered down next to a rock. He shot out and I lost footing and fell over. At first I was surprised to have a rock swim away, but soon saw it was a muskrat.

Closer to civilization, the Brodhead Gorge has always had homeless camps and in the alcoholic/troubled vet era they were pretty mellow, but still used plenty of caution around them. In the meth era the homeless seemed really jittery and amped up and it made me afraid to go in alone.
Night fish and park under the Lordville bridge some time. LoL. You could get attacked by a rooster, turn on your headlamp to find a bear 5 feet in front of you ....staring staring back or have a hippie wearing a headlamp following you around asking you a million questions. There's also a defunked mannequin factory where they dress up mannequins and put them in the windows. Add to that, one wrong step in you're in 20 ft of water. That's probably one of the most uncomfortable places I've fished late at night 🤣🤣.

As I came around the back of my car to open the hatch, the rooster was under the trailer hitch. He jumped/flew right past my face... squawking and screaming. No clue it was coming, face first dive into the bushes and you would have heard my F bombs a mile away 😁🤣
I had a potbelly pig follow me down a stream as I fished. When I stopped the pig would stop and watch. The guy at the house next to the place where I parked said he does that to everybody .. he likes people.

Oh yeah .... Lordville is a very odd place. A lot of snakes too.
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Hanging out with my friend this summer at his camp on an upper Driftwood Branch trib. Not remote but secluded. We were sitting around his campfire sipping whisky about midnight when we heard a very loud human-like scream about 100 yards up on the hillside right above us. Followed by about 10 hoots not as loud but very clear. Ron said "there's my buddy". He had heard some tree-banging the week before. I remained calm for about 30 seconds then said hey lets go inside.

I guess it was probably a bobcat but can't explain the hoots..
There's a specific gorge in NE PA that I've fished a handful of times where the babbling brook echoes weirdly off the rocks. Each and every time I'm there I am convinced someone is quietly speaking in tongues behind me. Add in an intermittent gentle breeze touching the back of my head, or the touch of a tree branch... It scares the crap out of me. I haven't caught fish there because I'm continually distracted.
Besides what bothered me that I described on page 3, I came across this "clearing" on a small Pocono Class A about 16 years ago:

What is This

Hanging out with my friend this summer at his camp on an upper Driftwood Branch trib. Not remote but secluded. We were sitting around his campfire sipping whisky about midnight when we heard a very loud human-like scream about 100 yards up on the hillside right above us. Followed by about 10 hoots not as loud but very clear. Ron said "there's my buddy". He had heard some tree-banging the week before. I remained calm for about 30 seconds then said hey lets go inside.

I guess it was probably a bobcat but can't explain the hoots..
The bobcat screaming got the owl riled up.
This year I was fishing a brookie stream with a friend and a wind came up. It didn't seem like the wind was all that strong, but it had the tree branches moving.

A branch fell down from a tree right next to me.

Then a branch came down and hit me square on top of the head. It wasn't big enough to do serious damage, but it was big enough to hurt and scare the heck out of me. That shook my confidence for a while.
I've never had a branch come down and hit me in the head before. It's kind of surprising considering how much fishing, hiking, camping I've down with tree limbs overhead.
What you came across would have definitely made me uncomfortable.

Not only do porcupines scream, so do I when I put my hand down to prevent falling .... and then my headlamp shows a fishing spider on my hand that is the same size as my hand 😳😭
I'm one of the tight lipped ones up here. There's some strange stuff up.
It's time for some confessions...

I once about $#!+ my pants way up and in the middle of nowhere on Slate Run when a June Bug buzzed my head in total darkness...

I've had similar reactions when buzzed by ginormous Dobsonflies on the Susquehanna...

Bats flying BY MY HEAD by the thousands during a hatch on Penns still give me nightmares. :)
Bats flying BY MY HEAD by the thousands during a hatch on Penns still give me nightmares. :)
I've hit them repeatedly with my rod tip during whitefly hatches. It took me a moment to figure out what I was smacking with my rod while standing way out in the middle of the creek.
I've hit them repeatedly with my rod tip during whitefly hatches. It took me a moment to figure out what I was smacking with my rod while standing way out in the middle of the creek.
I've hit and even caught my share of bats. When that happened to me at Penns, I thought they were birds...

My fishing partner yelled over to me, "Birds aren't active this time of day, they're bats!"

I shrieked like 7 year old girl and the rest is history... o_O

I also once had a Great Blue Heron fly down a creek at head level when I standing in the middle of it. Fortunately he swooped up and over me at the last second.

I think I saw my life and the pterodactyl in the opening of Jonny Quest flash before my eyes that evening.
What weirds me out sometimes, is when I'm literally in the middle of nowhere on a stream and I see one of those stacked stone figures. I do scatter them.
Night fish and park under the Lordville bridge some time. LoL. You could get attacked by a rooster, turn on your headlamp to find a bear 5 feet in front of you ....staring staring back or have a hippie wearing a headlamp following you around asking you a million questions. There's also a defunked mannequin factory where they dress up mannequins and put them in the windows. Add to that, one wrong step in you're in 20 ft of water. That's probably one of the most uncomfortable places I've fished late at night 🤣🤣.

As I came around the back of my car to open the hatch, the rooster was under the trailer hitch. He jumped/flew right past my face... squawking and screaming. No clue it was coming, face first dive into the bushes and you would have heard my F bombs a mile away 😁🤣
Spent time around lordville, Lee would always tell stories about the Russian...