Bad News for Mayflies

PA streamer fishing
Bamboozle wrote:
So if all the mayflies die, thus making "fly"- fishing obsolete, will this website become PASF (PA Spin Fishing), PABF (PA Bait Fishing) or possibly PALF (PA Lure Fishing)??

Just wonderin'...? ;-)

After the mayflies are gone, there will still be midges.

Spring Creek once had a heavy Green Drake hatch, similar to Penns Creek.

Now Spring Creek has no Green Drakes.
troutbert wrote:
Bamboozle wrote:
So if all the mayflies die, thus making "fly"- fishing obsolete, will this website become PASF (PA Spin Fishing), PABF (PA Bait Fishing) or possibly PALF (PA Lure Fishing)??

Just wonderin'...? ;-)

After the mayflies are gone, there will still be midges.

Spring Creek once had a heavy Green Drake hatch, similar to Penns Creek.

Now Spring Creek has no Green Drakes.


I think people would the background of this interesting. What more can you share what happened and when?
dkile wrote:
troutbert wrote:
Bamboozle wrote:
So if all the mayflies die, thus making "fly"- fishing obsolete, will this website become PASF (PA Spin Fishing), PABF (PA Bait Fishing) or possibly PALF (PA Lure Fishing)??

Just wonderin'...? ;-)

After the mayflies are gone, there will still be midges.

Spring Creek once had a heavy Green Drake hatch, similar to Penns Creek.

Now Spring Creek has no Green Drakes.


I think people would the background of this interesting. What more can you share what happened and when?

There were Green Drakes in Spring Creek until pollution wiped them out in the 1950s. They have never returned.

Just a few years ago someone at Penn State tried to re-introduce them, using Penns Creek as a source, but that didn't work.
For those who have fished urbanized streams like Wissahickon Creek, Valley Creek, West Valley Creek fairly often, what mayflies have you seen on these streams?
