Back from my multi day trip



Active member
Jan 2, 2007
Just wanted to thank everyone who gave input on my fishing trek from last week...

I left later than I wanted to thursday so I didn't get to fish til friday morning. I stayed at the Bellefonte KOA. A really nice place overall... I'd say it was worth the few extra bucks that they charge. Was a nice drive up from philly too!

First day was Spring Creek...

There you have it. Overall, a real pretty creek. I'd like to fish it during some hatches as opposed to the wierd "in between" time that we have now, but I'll take what I can get. Wish I coulda landed one of those big guys though.

I stayed in the same place that night with plans to head down to the letort in the morning before meeting my friends in what they said was harrisburg. It turns out, I was actaully going to Dauphin... I figured it was a bit out of the way to get all the way to the letort, and once I got there, I wouldnt have much time to fish it before I had to leave. I got the map out for a last minute change of plans and very conveniently found out that clarks happened to be right at the very exit that I had to take to meet them. I packed my stuff and made the run down there to fish the FFO water.

Nice creek overall. I plan on fishing it again soon. MattBoyer, I'm looking in your direction!

I left clarks around noon to meet my friends on the banks of the susky. We canoed out there and wet waded around, half fishing half swimming. Not much luck but nice to get out there and have some fun. (Tim Murphy, I'm looking in your direction now... and you thought I didn't do that when I fished!! :p I kid, I kid)

An interesting story from the Juniata....

After I fished a bit, I got warm so I took a swim. There was some super swift current where I was but I was having a good time kicking around in it and whatnot. We were being a bunch of 22 year olds basically acting like kids... and it was a good time. Well, my buddy took a slide down through some rapids and over some rocks and said it was pretty cool so I took a shot. He warned me of one (thats O-N-E) big rock that I'd probably feel on the way down and to be ready for it. I was, and sure enough it hit me right in the leg. I was braced for it so it was no problem and I relaxed as I floated the rest of the way through the rapids. Well, I happened to find a second, much sharper rock that he had not warned me about and it whacked me good. I floated the rest of the way and figured I'd better get back to shore to make sure it's ok.

No problem... I'll just get on some solid ground here and wade in. Well, it was deeper than I thought. For the first time in the J, I couldnt find bottom. I started to swim back, stupidly across the current, soon finding my hurt leg cramping badly. I swam a few feet and figured I was back in shallower water so I reached for bottom again.... Nothing. By this point I was cramped badly and very suprised that I got no bottom. I started to panic. At this point, of course I should've taken a deep breath and floated down, but hindsight is 20-20. I proceeded to start to sink and make an *** out of myself and had to get my friend to come out and help me establish myself and help me get moving again.

Thanks to him for his help, that's for sure.

And that's what I get for making the first time I swim in a few years happen in some serious white water.

Hope y'all enjoyed that. I get a kick out of it now a few hours later. Oh and by the way... I'm floating that rip again next time but am going to float the hell out instead of trying to swim!