Atlantic Salmon


Old Town

Jan 5, 2022
cumberland co Pa
Has anyone fished the Margaree river in Nova Scotia for Atlantics? If so what paterns did you use and any other helpfull information is appreciated.
IMO I check the Gaspe Peninsula and it's fishing. I've fished there and the Miramichi and would go back to the Gaspe. As far as flies most general Atlantic Salmon Flies will do as a starter. Green machine, Bomber, the list is endless. Let me know if I can help. GG
I have also fished the Gaspe. However the only river I fished was the Matane. I went three times. It always had decent numbers of taking fish. I've not gone in decades. We were still killing fish and releasing them was frowned upon. Smaller singles and doubles. Blue Charm, Mickey Finn. #8 Bombers. I close friend fished the Bonaventure twice. It is absolutely beautiful with crystal clear pools. Bring lots of money as this is expensive angling.
I've only fished for Atlantics in Newfoundland, but had a few surprises the first time I went.

Most people in Newfoundland fish dries, I didn't bring enough bombers/green machines etc. They also worked for salter brookies when the salmon weren't in.

The wets locals used were small - mostly a size 10. I had tied mostly 6's and the locals asked if I was after tuna. Locals tie their flies very spare as well (and on Mustad 3906/3906B hooks - salmon hooks viewed as expensive). Need to pinch down barbs well.

The most used wet by far was the Blue Charm. Except if it was overcast then some tied on a small fluorescent chartreuse fly (I caught my first salmon on a Colburn). Another local tie was the Jackie Special which was just a black body, silver tip and moose hair wing. Newfoundlanders use moose hair wings quite a bit.

In Newfoundland all salmon rivers are public so a lot of hanging around and telling tales at popular rivers. However, the local custom is only one fisherman (or maybe two friends) in a pool.
Yes I am aware of the cost to fish for Atlantics. However, Nova Scotia is not as bad as most areas . It is one of the only places you are not required to use a guide daily. We have are plans made fishing for a week plus and a guide booked for one day. A friend fished it last summer as was very pleased. We also have vacation plans for that area on the same trip. There is plenty of history and other sites to see.
I do appreciat all advice given.
Yes I am aware of the cost to fish for Atlantics. However, Nova Scotia is not as bad as most areas . It is one of the only places you are not required to use a guide daily. We have are plans made fishing for a week plus and a guide booked for one day. A friend fished it last summer as was very pleased. We also have vacation plans for that area on the same trip. There is plenty of history and other sites to see.
I do appreciat all advice given.
Giuides were not required on the Matane when we fished there. However that was a long time ago.
You may also have to rotate if it is a popular pool.
Yes, I have fished in many different states and in Canada but this will be a new experience. Just something I need to do before I am not able to. Sometimes life can be shorter then we think!