Anyone know this dude?

gfen wrote:
Don't know any other Internet superstars who do that...

Anyways, if you people want to feel this angry about the issue, I'd suggest that you've all done it to yourselves. Gotta have pictures of every fish you've caught. Gotta have stories about every day out. Gotta have numbers for every stream. Gotta get points to win. Gotta make videos to showcase your love of dubstep and fishing. Gotta share to get those accolades. Gotta socialize so that those casuals know how hardcore you are. Gotta gotta win the Internet and gotta win fishing.

The price of winning at fishing is this; it only gets worse.

That's a very good point. I agree 100%. Everyone wants to be famous nowdays.

with fishing pictures i feel its all about the context - a 10" brookie from a thin blue line is always going to elicit more of a wow from me than a 22" bow from some tailwater, same as a wild steelhead from WA, OR or BC is going to impress me more than one on the Salmon River.

its not what you catch, its where and how.

This is getting funnier. At a rodeo for kids. Hilarious.

Very well said Gfen.

But don't count me as angry.
I have gone from fascinated by the fascination to being outraged by the outrage.
JackM wrote:
I have gone from fascinated by the fascination to being outraged by the outrage.

I'm now outraged by the fascination.
Frankly I am fascinated by the outrage. So the guy catches big fish, takes pics with stringers hanging off them...wouldn't be the first time that happened on here.

Well played Mo. Lmao

I'm fascinated that this made it to page 12, yet outraged at the outrage expressed on pages 1-11. Fwiw, I don't own a stronger and prefer a boot stomp to subdue my fish for photo ops. That's why I've got no gemmie pics.....they are a mess after just 1 stomp.
Well that's true, Mo, but I'm pretty sure said pictures weren't taken after the fish was ripped off its redd w/ a puncture wound from being snagged.
Oh I musta missed those pics of the redds and snagging. my bad.
Well I don't know about the 'bow, but this dude has posted pictures of browns openly admitting that he caught them off redds. I believe his exact words were "finessed off a redd". That is not hearsay, that is his own admission.

Kray pointed out the picture of the bow DOES have a puncture wound.
The guy is a butt. I live here in east Tenn. His name is legend on multiple rivers...all for bad stuff. Wherever he goes contraversy follows. Its hard to describe the redd that he is walking through to push these fish into areas that he can snag them. It is a huge red behind a weir dam where a very large population of the brown trout for the last 5 miles of the river come to spawn. It is a community redd with tons of fish using it all at the same time. He is literally walking through the red to spook the fish into small spaces where they can be snagged. He has been run off of other rivers here in the south east...
haven't you heard? He's innocent and these posts are just jealousy.
all hearsay
haters gonna hate
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
all hearsay
haters gonna hate

No. I have seen his comments on his own facebook page about "finessing" big browns off redds. His words are not hearsay, they're first hand. I've seen the pictures myself of hens spilling eggs everywhere. The picture Kray posted with a puncture wound in the belly is NOT hearsay.

Sasquatch- His Facebook is not available. The pics prove nothing. The site you are talking about is created by a cyber bully. Now every fishing forum is posting links and the pile on starts. Maybe he did something wrong. Maybe not. Either way he has not been found guilty except by the online community. Any one who does their own thing and is not part of the "club" can be targeted.
This is in TE. No one here in PA will do anything about it.

If there is a problem, the flyfishers in TE can choose to act, or not. It's up to them.

Well, the eggs spilling out of the trout arent photo-shopped by a cyber bully. I have been there numerous times and below the weir dam and absolutely can visualize community redds there.
Atlantisboy moved down there. I'll give him a call and see if he knows anything.
Awesome place by the way. If you get the chance, dont pass it up.
I've seen eggs come out of trout before. I don't snag or intentionally fish redds