
Gnats small enough to get past my hearing aids into the ear canal.

Not all amplification is a good thing...

It's crazy making. Makes me want to get a rifle and find a bell tower.
I have one thing that annoys me more than any other. It's when I am fishing a hole and someone comes right next to me. There are easily 50 yards of open water upstream and downstream of me, but I guess since I am fishing this hole, it has to be good. Lately I have made a smart *** comment to the person and then I leave, and when I mean leave, I leave a wake about 3 feet high getting out of the water. I really don't like to be crowded!

1) Tandem nymph rig tangles.

2) Leaving things at home

3) All the vegetation in the Spring Creek water.
Mute, Do you not string your rod by by first doubling the fly line? Then, if you drop the line it stops at the first guide it meets. Certainly beats starting over!

Troy, That has not happened to me yet. Almost did on the Yellow Breeches a few years ago, but as the culprit approached the pool which I was fishing, I merely and impolitely informed him that I was fishing this pool. He changed course.
I like your procedure for leaving the stream when another angler crowds you!
i love the outdoors and almost every experience that goes with it. there are a few things nature does that annoy the heck out of me.

1. ducks! i hate them when im fishing. once i was attacked by one because , i think, she had a nest near by. and the worst part about them....a group of them is swimming in a hole you wanted to fish. you try to go around them and they fly away ruining that hole....but then land in the next hole you were going to fish. *sigh* it happens all the time. i hate ducks!

2. mosquitos. it can be a productive hatch and if you forget the itchy one also!

3. and probably the worst IMO.....spiders. i deal with them all the time being a bush wacking angler, but i cant stand them. on a recent trip to a classic limestone spring creek the meadows were full of giant garden spiders. i thought to myself, dang global warming they should be gone by now!

then the man made things that annoy me. and there are a lot.

1. crowds. i hate them cant stand them and refuse to participate in them. on year i decided to go to lititz run on opening day to watch the kids catch some lunkers that are stocked in the short section of open water. the banks were lined up and down with hardly any elbow room. tou could see the fish and they could see you. it was ridiculous. just when i thought it couldnt get anymore amuzing it did. after 12 the adults can fish. there was this guy decked out in full camo with camo waders creeping up on the stream. as if he was going to sneak up on any of those fish. he got beside to people on his knees. both of those people were standing and wearing bright red. funniest thing i ever saw. not a real fishing experince by any means. i cant fish like that.

2. dams. i know they were good back in the day but today all they do is create thermal pollution and siltation.

3. cows cows and more cows. i cant tell you how many times ive been chase by a bull and even the female cows. ive watched them crap in the stream, destroy stream banks, and create mass amounts of silt. all of which ruin some of our great resources. the funny thing required to pick up my dogs waste in an area that has fields sprayed with mass amounts of liquid cow fecal matter and why.....cause it is a matter of public health. irony?

4. and my biggest. landowners that have posted land that dont put up signs. its always proper to ask....but IMO if your gonna post your land then simpily put up signs.

5. anglers that want to do more talking than fishing.....kinda goes with the crowd thing. i dont mind having a small chat when im streamside. hows it going? any luck? what are they biting on? all acceptable.....but to have a novel read to me while fishing makes me upset. wait till im back at the parking lot and we can talk for an hour if ya want ;-)

just a few...there are many....
i thought the forgetting something at home was a good one too!
1.) Man-made rock dams

2.) No-see-ums (I have about 5 bites right now; ichy little ba$tard$)

3.) Guys that give me clues streamside on how to catch fish, but haven't hooked any, while I landed 20 in th elast hour.

4.) Posted land that is un-used.

5.) Litter

6.) People who talk to you, who make up lies (I use to be a commercial tyer; in my younger years I could cast 130 feet of line with my 6 wt.; out west I was pretty well know fly fisher and recieved all these awards and moneys for it; and so on.

Now that I look at my list 5 out of the six are people related. So I guess stupid people ruin my fishing trips.
Wow, tons of good ones, and "sad" ones. I also hate when im tying on a fly and i pull the excess to pull it tight and it just slips throuh slowly evrytime i pull and the knot slips off the fly. I also hate when fishing a tandem and the action is hot, then you get a tangle or snagged and you hate having to take the time to fix the situation when you should be catching fish. Im not sure what you all mean double up the fly line. Im guessing like bend it in half and hold both pieces then string it up, but im not sure how that would stop it from dropping through if i drop it. And salvelinusfontinalis im cracking up on your story of the camo guy.
It really only happens to me on one stream and unfortunately it is my home stream. I am talking about the good old Tulpehocken Creek. I have had this happen numerous times.

Besides the usual things involving knots, trees, and knots in trees, I was at valley creek fishing a hole crouched kneeling on the bank, when a woman with two dogs walks up and sends her dogs into the hole directly across from me. And then, this is the best part, she says, "Are you fishing?". She said it like there couldn't possibly be fish in there. She did not call the dogs out, and I walked away. On my way back up the trail, she was still there reading a book with her dogs in the water. Don't get me wrong I like dogs, I have two. That was something else though. Another thing that happened to me was when I was shad fishing by the conowingo dam(with a spinning rod). Two guys walked up and started fishing next to me. This is usually fine because thats just the way it is with shad. But what they did is keep moving closer until they were right next to me and away from the trees. Then I reel in my setup from down stream of me and find that the two guys who were tangled together had now caught me. I said something to them and the man acted like it was no big deal and tugged on it pulling his hook straight into MY waders.after that I just cut off my lures and pulled my line out of the mess. Fortunately I the hole is near the top and the only time I wade in that far is shad fishing, so they are ok for trout.
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My damn back problems, I can put up with a lot of things that happen on the streams, but this damn back is killing my fishing!

I know where you are coming from with that,Paul.Just reading it reminded me of the times I would hurt so much I would have tears in my eyes and have to stoop over.
Spot pool of risers, identify the fly,tie them on, wade into position and snag the only twig in the middle of the pool! @$^$@
I'm so fired up to start fishing, I forget all my flies and vest in the car...
mines gotta be rigging up a nice dropper pattern or nymph rig just to toss it into trees on the first cast or get it hung on the bottom. The funny thing is it only happens when i'm fishing dries and come to a hole where i know there are lots of fish and i can hammer them with a nymph rig.

So i make the switch only to get hung in a tree or all tangled up, most of the time ruining the hole trying to fix my mess.
The thing I find most annoying is...... NOT BEING ABLE TO MAKE TIME TO FISH!!!!!!! Once I'm fishing its the litter. Too many pigs out there giving sportsman a bad rap!
My peeve is also not having more time to fish. I guess that makes me appreciate the times I get out.

Once I'm there, the guys who talk too much (and loudly) on the stream are annoying. I wish they'd stop trying to draw attention to themselves everytime they see a fish rise or occasionally catch one. They are usually the same guys who profess to be the streamside experts. In my opinon, flyfishing is meant to be a peaceful, relaxing, and humbling activity. If you want to make a lot of noise, go to a football game.