


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
What are some things that just get to you on the stream? And dont say poachers. I mean little things.

For me its lining up my rod, ive once got it to the top loop and dropped it, TWICE! Another is when youre say holding your rod under your arm to tie on a fly, and the rod is shaking a little bit so the line wraps around the rod, and usually if you just wiggle it around it will come undone, but sometimes you gotta put the rod down and unwrap and pull it manually.
Nothing. That's why I go.

You'll hear me swearing, and you'll see me angrily light yet another cigarette. But nothing is getting to me. It's all gravy when I'm fishing.
Mute - When you line up, try doubling the line over and pulling the loop through the guides. If you let go, it only slides to the last guide you threaded.

Nothing gets me swearing under my breath turning a carefully tied dropper rig into a birds nest on (or sometimes before) the first cast.
Well, there is one single; "most annoying thing on the stream to me", but it's only happened once. I drove for 5 hours, leaving at 1AM, got to the river, set up camp, collected fire wood, slept for an hour until dawn then when I went to rig up for the morning rise.... I came to the realization that every one of my fly reels, were still at home, in my tying room. If memory serves me, correctly, i said something along the line of "Oh, hecky darn!".
However, other than that, what totally drives me bonkers, is to tie on a fly, using any number of knots I've tied for years, only to have the tippet either break like it was spider web, or whatever knot I've used, simply slides apart like it had been soaked in grease!
On the 3rd or 4th attempt, the same knot, same tippet, cinches up and holds like a logging chain!!?
I've had this happen many times with old tippet, brand new tippet, all the X sizes and any number of manufacturers!?
How about when your lining up your rod and you miss a guide and then you dont find out untill your done tying on a fly..and knots can be a pain sometimes..haha
That darn tree or bush that i swear wasn`t behind me when i started
I guess I take that back, there are a ton of small things mentioned here, among others, that get me torqued when I'm fishing. I maintain that I'm not genuinely bothered by any of it though... fishing fixes most everything.
Leaking waders
cactus under barbed wire.
wind at night
3 3/4 pound trout.
As has been mentioned before, missing a guide while lining up your rod, trying to line it up only to have the line drop back through and tying on a fly, only to find the knot slip or break and not hold.

Other than those already mentioned, how about when you're fishing a hole or a spot on a stream and a group of guys come in and stand practically on top of you. My buddy and I were fishing the ANF last fall and were working over this one hole pretty good and a group of four guys came in and proceeded to start casting on top of us. We had already been getting into the trout pretty good, so we just kept it up for a short while and then left. That's annoying.
pete, I can't say I understand your last one.
The line falling thru the guides is a good one. It usually happens to me when I’m changing flies in the middle of a stream. Funny how the same knot that barely goes up the guides can fall back thru them with such ease.

Dropping an open fly box can also provide an entertaining diversion from catching fish. Chasing a bunch of dry flies downstream is fun sport but can be a little depressing when you don’t get a single hit as your whole collection heads for the Gulf. :-?
Ice forming in your guides during the winter
A longstanding pet peeve of mine are fishermen who ignore the signs at Allenberry (Yellow Breeches Creek) and park on the grass down by the tennis courts. For at least 25 years there has been a sign up at the top of the hill that says "fisherman parking." Down by the tennis courts there is another large sign, impossible to miss, asking fishermen to park up at the top of the hill. On any given weekend there are always a few, sometimes dozens, of anglers parked down on the grass. And they're not too old and handicapped to walk either - just lazy and selfish. I'm surprised that Allenberry hasn't kicked out fishermen years ago for this reason.
Another peeve of mine that I forgot to mention earlier. LITTER! I hate it! I've fished lots of water in the ANF and am always shocked at the litter that people leave behind. How much effort does it take to carry out what you took in with you? Leave only your footprints folks.
In the area where I did most of my Trout fishing a trout had to be 4 pounds to be considered a ``wallfish''.Over the years I kept track of the ones I caught.3 1/2 okay ,okay didn't make it.3 3/4 was the ultimate test of being honest with
How about keeping fishing when someone comes in and crowds you and they snag your waders and they start leaking.
I'm not the best caster, but have brought myself to the point where I can get the fly where I want it and 95% of the time, do so without slapping the water. But every now and then, after waiting for perhaps hours for a rising fish, you finally see the subtle rise form. You carefully work your way in to position, the trout is still rising. You tie on a good imitation, pull out sufficient line, make a couple soft false casts to the desired distance, then lay out the money cast, but in the excitement something happens to your stroke and the line slaps the $hit out of the water, putting the trout down for the day.
I would have to say opening the flybox to notice that the pattern they are going for is the last one of that type in your box, finnaly getting it tied on to a properly threaded rod and line only to feed it to a tree over the spot where you want to catch a fish, then finding out it's just out of reach to retrieve it while the water pours into the tops of your waders. That's annoying. Good thing it doesn't happen often, right? :lol:
As you open your fly box in the middle of a large stream the last of the size 20 nymphs fall out and wash away.

You get to the stream on a beautiful spring (or fall) morning and spot some risers. The steam is coming off the water and the birds are chirping. Several overnight caddis fly hover about. Those old fingers refuse to work in the cold morning air and the fly takes ten minutes to tie on. You realize the temperature is only 58. You really are getting old.

Wind. It's always in your face for that delicate cast.

Sun. Either in your eyes or at an angle that casts your shadow across the pool.

Prescription glasses. Fog up. The fish splashes water on em just as your about to land it. Can't get good sunglasses that have side covers. Those over the top sunglasses just make it worse. Actually not the glasses it's the aging eyes.
I would have to say my # 1 annoyance, actually more so what drives me freaking nuts, is when you get hung up on the bottom, a rock, a tree branch or whatever. You take the time to work it out moving up stream, down stream sideways to avoid losing your flies only for it to finally pop loose and shoot straight up into the tree overhead! The worst part of that is I usually fish a tandem rig so now I've lost two flies! 24 years of age and dying from a heart attack would just not be good.
StudentofTheStream wrote:
I would have to say my # 1 annoyance, actually more so what drives me freaking nuts, is when you get hung up on the bottom, a rock, a tree branch or whatever. You take the time to work it out moving up stream, down stream sideways to avoid losing your flies only for it to finally pop loose and shoot straight up into the tree overhead! The worst part of that is I usually fish a tandem rig so now I've lost two flies! 24 years of age and dying from a heart attack would just not be good.

The bottom fly in the tandem is a beadhead and that weight causes the fly to swing around the tree branch 1000 times. Funny how each twirl seems to be a half hitch.