allenberry meadow parking



Feb 23, 2010
While I was parked in the meadow tuesday night I was approached by an allenberry employee. I was told I "should" park in the fishermans parking lot on top the hill. The employee did have an I.D. badge. I did not say anything, and the polite employee left. My problem which I did not relay to the person is I'm over 65 and have a heart problem, and that hill would be a challenge. Has anyone ran into this lately.
The employee is correct. However I am sure if you were to have explained that to them they would have understood.

Perhaps approaching the Allenberry management or that employee again and asking to talk this through. Suggest that perhaps a few "handicapped" spaces in the meadow be allowed.

Is this something the CVTU could coordinate?

This is and has been an ongoing issue there. While it is likely they would never close access to this popular stretch, it is always good to respect the landowner, in this case the Allenberry.
While I’m only 63, I have had my right knee replaced twice and my left knee is bone on bone so it needs to be replaced as well. I might make it down that hill but doubt I could make it back up after fishing.
I asked the Yellow Breeches fly shop owner about the shrubs they planted closer to the stream (where I usually park) and he said it was to try to keep people from parking there after it rains so I parked in the field to the left just at the bottom of the hill. So far no problem.
Believe that with the Trico, White Fly and Hex hatches on now there is a lot more traffic down there and it is causing some issues. Looks like us ‘old farts’ might do better to back off for a while until the hatches and traffic subside.
Tight lines,
Buffalo; that is the right answer, I think parking on the left side as you come down the hill is better, they put those shrubs in, and people still weave in between them to park, DA. Also keep away from the tennis courts those people pay to play, and I'm sure they want a good place to park.
Thanks for the heads up. I was at YB in June and saw several cars parked below and thought, "thats where I'm parking next time." Even though I'm a young buck ar 59 I'm huffing and puffing walking back up that hill.

Fished there thia evening and picked up a few even though I didn't have THE white fly. I fished a sulfur which was close enough.
I've fished Allenberry for thirty years and have always parked up top when fishing. The little yellow "fishermen's parking" sign has been there for as long as I can remember. They have tried to discourage anglers from parking down below with additional signs and, in recent years, shrubbery and rail fencing.
With that said, I do believe that special dispensations have been made for individuals and maybe some guides. It wouldn't hurt to ask.


Give me a PM and I'll tell you where to park, you want have to worry about the hill or parking in the wrong area.

Why not park at the "run" and walk downstream?

IMHO, I think upstream from Allenberry is better fishing anyway.

Like the FishIdiot, I have fished the Breeches for a long time. I used to live in Boiling Springs so long ago. Even if not trout fishing, Allenberry is such a wonderful place.

That hill is steep...... and slippery with felt boots when wet? Why kill yourself?

A couple trout from the Yellow Breeches at Allenbury:

So I'm at work till noon, thinking about how I got 90% of my homework done and how I really have the rest of the day free for fishing. Kind of tired of my typical stomps, never fished the Breeches before, think I may want to try it out today.

Anyone want to meet up and show a first timer around? What can I expect? Is it gonna be combat fishing? If so, I'll look for another stream!