Airline/Baggage Question



May 25, 2007
I'm packing my old fishpond roller duffel for my annual Idaho trip and I decided to check US Airways website for their baggage rules. Does anyone know if these crooks have recently changed their over-sized baggage rules?

Here is the language from their site:

Oversize checked bags
+ $175 each
Dimensions between 62 – 80 in/157 – 203 cm
-The dimensions we list are length + height + width.

So I went and measured the dimensions on the bag and sure enough, they total 65 inches. They've never measured my bag on previous trips but I'm concerned they will now. $175 is ridiculous.

I was considering shipping my gear bag in advance and this might make the decision a bit easier.

Any insight or thoughts?

Last time I got tagged with an oversize bag it was by US Airways...that was based on weight though, and the fee was only $50. This was several years ago, at least, though. My guess is they probably will be checking just about everything in this economy...$175 is a big carrot in terms of incentive for checking.

Not sure what the cost would be to ship your gear, but I'd look into it. I'm sure there's less of a chance the bag gets lost too...especially if you have connecting flights. It's a calculated gamble either way...might get off for no charge with US Air or pay the known, lesser fee to ship it.
Thanks Swattie. I've been hit on weight too and, like you, it was only $50 but that was probably a couple years ago too. Most of the shippers have areas on their websites that allow you to get shipping estimates. The best I found for a 50 lb parcel has been fedex for ~$65. If the $175 fee for USAir is accurate, $65 is a steal for sure. I may just go that route.
Yeah, I'd lean towards shipping it then, assuming it's only $65 each way. That's only $130 round trip (can't believe I'm saying that), which is still less than if US Air only catches ya once, nonetheless on both ends of the trip. I'm sure you get tracking data from Fed Ex for that kind of money which is worth some piece of mind when it comes to your gear too.
i've never been measured... only weight
a duffle probably won't get measured since it isn't a ridgid package

best bet-
Mail fishing stuff in flat rate boxes
then pack clothes and any other fishing stuff (rods reels flies) in carry ons
don't check anything
I was thinking about a similar question the other day.

What's a typical airline policy for having hooks, knives, other sharp fishing equipment in your luggage? Is there a chance that will get confiscated?

Mrchunk - check with whatever place you're staying. They'll typically allow you to ship to them so you won't have to worry about your things getting lost.
hooks are allowed in carry on bags... no issues
same with pilars and nippers

knives- what do you think?
Ramcatt - re: flat rate boxes - do you find they have boxes that can accomodate waders and boots? Those are the items I struggle with most since they are bulky.

mrchunk wrote:
Ramcatt - re: flat rate boxes - do you find they have boxes that can accomodate waders and boots? Those are the items I struggle with most since they are bulky.

With "Flat rate boxes" I assume you mean US Postal Service. I recommend you send them UPS or some other package carrier. You can insure them and track them. You can check on their arrival before you even leave and they are a lot more dependable than the USPS.

Also, my experince has been the USPS flat rate boxes, unless you sending something heavy like gold bars, is more expensive than UPS.
the USPS flat rate boxes are there for people who are too lazy to pack their items (or are shipping gold bars).

you can almost inevitably get better value through your own packaging. however, i'd still pony up the extra for fedex/ups.

I'm also heading to Idaho in a few weeks here. US Airways as well

..It's sounding like it's almost worth just buying a rod out there. I'm still gonna try to stuff my rod pieces in my luggage
Hell I was just going to wheel the old duffel into Fedex and have them ship the whole kit and kaboodle.

I agree with the UPS/Fedex vs USPS argument 100% btw. I guess I just took the flat rate box term out of context. I assumed (incorrectly I guess) that all of the carriers did some sort of flat rate boxing.
Just shipped a 60lb suitcase to Myrtle Beach round trip by UPS for $70. Didn't even need a box they just ship your suitcase as is. Something glorious about going to the airport with nothing to carry but an Ipad and headphones! $200 insurance included but I paid $20 for an extra $1000. Bag was waiting for me when I got there.
Roundtrip for $70??? Did you have a coupon? ;)
so everyon has an advanced degree in shipping

USPS over fedex/UPS
you can track, insure, sig... whatever for much cheaper
also in more remote areas, the mailman goes everyday and knows the ins-outs of local and knows the people he/she delivers to...

I ship thousands of $$$ of fishing gear every month through USPS... domestic and international
no issues

The only time I use fedEx is to ship to the Fedex location for them to hold and then i pick up... when I am passing through areas and not staying in a certian location
Ramcatt wrote:
hooks are allowed in carry on bags... no issues
same with pilars and nippers

knives- what do you think?

I knew the knife part for carry on, how about checked? Travel with guns?
I've never had a problem getting my stuff checked. It's been my experience flying several different airlines that as long as you're close to their measurements without going over the 50lb weight limit they let it slide. I have flown US, Delta, Airtran and I'm sure one or two others. I went to Montana last year with an oversized bag that they checked with no issues and a couple years before to Alaska.

I have had them confiscate pliers/hemostats from my carry on though. As far as flying with guns you need to check and make sure the state you're flying into doesn't have an issue with that(concealed handgun), but as long as it's a US state you should be fine. Just have to pack the gun in a lockable case separate from the bullets. Tell the TSA what you've got and fill out some paperwork. Voila you're flying with your gun checked. A must IMO for Alaska bound fishing.
i have had knives (illegal weapons) removed from check bags and now have my name on "the list" by the RCMP

No knive in carry on. Ok in baggage thats checked. Guns in a solid,metal, case with locks.
I've had equipment checked one in the states by Jet Blue. otherwise it salied through the scanners and I was on my way.
Still,imo, check with the airline and print the regs. GG