A dozen top flies for PA trout streams

Did a "search" of best fly's for Pennsylvania streams and this thread "floated" to the top.

Great advice and wonderful resource!!
PennKev wrote:

Too many guys are so afraid of getting skunked that they won't cut off a fly that catches them 6 fish in order to tie one on that will get them 12. Same goes for switching overall techniques.

Heck, I catch me six fish, and I'm using that fly all season!! :-D
And for those critiquing the list as "not a dozen", or "it's actually 68 flies", or whatever, just substitute the word *pattern* for *fly*.

It is a list of a dozen patterns. The size and color choices within are up to the individual.
ColdBore wrote:
And for those critiquing the list as "not a dozen", or "it's actually 68 flies", or whatever, just substitute the word *pattern* for *fly*.

It is a list of a dozen patterns. The size and color choices within are up to the individual.

^ So true.

A dozen flies all in size 12 will catch fish, but it's not be the best choice to optimize your catch.

I suggest a beginner mix it up with sizes as well as darker shade and lighter shade flies plus a few bright attractor flies.

Check this list and the" favorite wet fly" and " favorite dry fly" thread and you will see alot of commonality. Take into consideration the number of responses and the myriad of streams fished, it's amazing the same flies produce about anywhere.
This time of year, March and April, a black wet fly is very effective. Size 14, dark colored thread. Black squirrel dubbing. Grey mottled mallard flank for wing and tail.
I'd say that list will give anyone a great start.
I would include a simple Walt's Worm to that list, although I realize there are many different confidence flies. I suggest this because it works all year around ands it's very easy to tie. I like size 10s and 12s on a 2x hook, but it can be tied on any hook and size that works for you.