85 Wells Cited in Jan. Alone!



Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
One in four wells had a violation!
Looks like it ain't going to get better...
Like the frickin' gold rush, greed run amuck.

At least they are citing them and catching them , VIGILANCE , thanks for the info.
Good post - thanks for the link Green.
Somewhere on the state DEP site (don't have link on this comp) there is an Excel spreadsheet that details the violations. Many are minor paperwork violations. Another common violation are spills of small amounts of fuel, lubricating oil, etc. Other common violations are retaining pond retention walls that are not high enough to prevent spills in the event of a large rainfall. These are relatively minor but point to overall sloppy work habits.
One company alone, DNADARKO E&P CO LP, had 13 violations to their credit! UNREAL. Think these guys need to be watched? :-x
Anadarko was a key player in the Gulf oil spill, receiving a lot of blame for the disaster. What's to worry about? Tongue in cheek obviously.

Jim Kearney