70/30 leader formulas



Mar 13, 2014
Most hand tied leaders are tied on the 60/20/20 formula. The butt section to near midpoint is 60% of the length, midsection 20%, and tippet 20%. This is a very popular formula but I’ve been reading that some people like the 70/30 formula for turning over larger flies and dealing with windy conditions. However I’ve yet to see any instructions how to tie one in 9 or 12 feet. Is anyone familiar with such leaders? Much appreciated!
Plug in what your looking for-

I have a popular one doing well in Fla., Texas and Puerto Rico.

looped butt - 4 feet of .025 blood knotted to 3 feet of ,022 blood knotted to 1 foot .020 and a perfection loop. 24 inches of 30 lb. fluoro with a perfection loop.

Loop to loop to fly line and also loop to loop tippet section. Change out worn tippets in seconds. I started this leader this year and with it becoming popular, I will have a card printed for insert! I see this taking off in a good direction.

As far as a "knockout" Trout leader, I would say, I would not promote this leader for Trout. Why? Simple, not enough sales. This would be as a custom tied for desired anglers.

I am marketing the above leader as a Saltwater leader. Many have contacted me with good results using the above leader on Redfish and Snook!

Global flyfisher is good. But remember they only supply leader formulas. A vast amount! But not much info on tests or performance! I guess my leaders are tested by fishermen with hard fact results! To put my leaders in carded packs, I must be 100% sure they outperform, outcast and outlast factory brand.

Started in 1986 and still building today! Son runs business now, I am retired, great! Easy year, this year, I figure on tying and selling a few for upcoming season. Hopefully, 5000 will be enough!
Funny how time changes. I can remember when I was 16, a friend, Red Campbell from S. Wmspt. Pa. just used straight mono for fly fishing. Light to heavy depending on fly size! Wonder, "how he caught so many". I guess this goes down as a "Wonderous Story".

There are many situations where straight mono works just fine. The fact is fly-fishing can be as complex as you want it or as simple as you want it.
My suggestion if you're tying your own, is don't waste time searching for the Holy Grail of leader formulas. Just tie one or two up, and lawn cast them. If you watch what the leader is/isn't doing, you'll know what needs corrected. This'll pay off when you're on the water and can make quick adjustments without having to pull out your notebook, ruler, and micrometer.
I have essentially used what maxima described except slightly different lengths - I use 4'-2'-1' then ~ 2' of tippet. if I want longer I'd increase proportionally keeping the 4-2-1 rule and then about 18"-24" of tippet. i.e. 6'-3'-1.5' then tippet.

I flip flop on the perfection loop tip...started using it then went to albright special. Recently went to a large tippet ring instead....all worked just fine but I wanted to try new stuff out.

and yes to what steve said - buy some leader material, make a few then try them (either on stream or in back yard with yarn...use more and longer yarn if you're simulating a bass fly or something bulky.
Seems a good one! Lot's of activity on this! 70/30! I will do more study on this one! Potential, Great!

"take it easy".
A little research uncovered a 70/30 leader. It’s from British flyfisherman Oliver Kite. 54” of .017, 10” of .013, 10” of .009, 10” of .008, and 36” of .007. Maxima Ultra Green is recommended.
(20#,12#,6#,5# = 70%. 4# = 30%). 10’ 4X
I just re read this thread and realized I went on a tangent about what leader formula I use for large flies, but that wasnt your question - sorry about that.

Thanks for the 70/30 formula, will have to try that