503 error when trying to access inbox



Active member
May 26, 2011
Anyone else getting this error?
You trying to convince us that people actually message you?
No...just saying "if I got a message some day", can't get to it.

There's one in there and I've cleaned up the box the othe day. Maybe it's a notice of a comp and I wouldn't want to miss it. .
I've had this problem for almost a year now. It's happened before that but eventually fixed itself each time. Not the case this time, and from what I've been told the only way it can be fixed is to make a new account and start from scratch..

So now the only way people can reach me is by email(which is in my profile). Have quite a few pm's accumulating too but can't view them.. Hopefully it starts working again for you..
Well, that stinks.

The person that sent the PM can just email me instead.
You've got mail! :::AOL voice:::

If you would use a respectable avatar...your might be allowed to have messaging re-instated.
Since when is 'ol rubber lips' not an acceptable avatar? You do know that's where they get calamari from....right? LMAO
Mmmmmm calamari.....
The PM system had a major problem and completely hosed up today. I was getting all kinds of errors and could not save it. You may have lost many of your PM's, but might have been able to save those that were already "saved" sorry about this. Working on a recovery, but the database was corrupted.
Many PMs = all PMs (except SaveBox) for me..
PMs are of the order of ephemera. Anything that valuable should be downloaded.
My PM's just went up to 17 today.........so I don't think any of mine were deleted. (For whoever sent me the PM, could you please email me??)
Thank you for the update Dave. I'd never had that error before and thought I got something messed up with my settings or something like that. I got another PM but suspect it was Becker messing with me know I can't read it and he knows it will kill me to see it in there. :l0l: If the saved ones are gone, no biggie as long as she gets back up and running.
all my PM's were deleted :(

there was directions and fishing spots in there...

Same here. As I told Dave, a little notice would have been nice. You're right, Jack. I should have saved them somewhere else. But I didn't. Now I'll never find those smaller streams in Montana this July. Big bummer!!!!!
dkile wrote:
The PM system had a major problem and completely hosed up today. I was getting all kinds of errors and could not save it. You may have lost many of your PM's, but might have been able to save those that were already "saved" sorry about this. Working on a recovery, but the database was corrupted.

I apologize for the names I was calling you when I saw your pm about having to delete my pm's.
Our apologies for the PMs.

I just got home and found mine deleted too. The PM function has been buggy for a long time and we're working to keep it from going completely south. As has been stated in the past, it's best not to allow them to stack up. Hopefully, we can keep the system functional. In the meantime, it's best to save valuable info and keep in mind that our PM messaging system is fragile and subject to deletions.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience.
I got Dave's pm and got sad when I realized he deleted all 3 of those pms in my box.

Kray I did not send you a pm. But gosh darn that is funny.