$500 waders-well $499.95 anyway



Active member
Jul 2, 2007
Would you have the nerve to buy them ?
Wear Them?
Made and tested in my old town ,Boozeman Mt.
No I wouldn't, unless they were free, or at least a steep discount. However, it reminds me of a story.

When I was working at Hille's, there was a sale's man, by the name of Ted. I watched him once debate with a guy who thought that spending $500 on a rod was too much and his wife would kill him. Ted told him that it wasn't $500, it was $499 and the guy was like, "Okay, I'll take it." Then he bought a reel, line, backing, leader, and some flies. His bill was close to $800.
Wouldn't buy. Would wear.

If you do end up spending a lot of money on something, I believe in using it, not babying it. What good is a $500 pair of waders your afraid to use? Same goes with a rod or anything....
I would consider it if it had a lifetime warranty and insurance policy that came along with it.
Not even if they told me they would replace them forever, its too much to go out all at once around here. Unless I could find away to make them a tax deduction of course...or they came with a super model inside or something.
No I wouldn't buy them but would accept as a gift.

I am thinking of buying new breatheables for $225......It's been over a month now that I have been thinking about it. $225 seems like a lot to me still!!
I did buy some, do wear them and don't baby them. I fish 12 months a year, I float stock 3 local streams and I do a stream cleanup. I have been to Montana, Idaho and Wyoming 3 times for a total of 40 days of fishing. I use them all the time. I used to buy cheaper waders, but was tearing them up every year. I would end up buying a new pair basically every year. I figured I would try buying an expensive pair (a pair of Simms). It worked out well. I have had them for 4 years and they are still going. I had a little leak finally and sent them back to Simms. They took care of them for a small fee and they are as good as new. So for me, it was worth it. If you only fish here and there, no need for expensive waders.
absolutely no way in hell -- waders dont catch fish -- if you take care of waders and are smart with them, they can last 3-5 years (neoprenes) -- I would never drop that kind of money on something for fishing that aid in directly catching fish
You're obviously looking at the Simms G4 Pro. It looks like they have too much going on in the upper half. I bought the G3's a few years ago for $425, now going for $400. I would not buy them again.

They're very nice, but not much better to me than lower priced waders. I had water seeping in around the knees in just a few weeks, just like every other Gore-Tex Breatheable I've owned. In fact, I believe all these waders should legally have to be called "Leakables".

But anyway, if I bought a new pair of waders tomorrow it would be the new Orvis Pro Guide 3 for $350. They look really nice for a mid-priced wader.
Got a pair of G3's. Mainly I bought them because the waders fit me very well- xxlshort. The problem is the bootie size is usually too big with them but the Simms ones were just right.

If someone can direct me to a XXLshort with bootie size 10- I'll will be glad to check them out. I have some pin holes in them but that's my fault for bushwacking. Went crazy one day and seem sealed the entire pair of waders and never had a leak- again I beat the crap out of them and have worn them 300 days and there still going fine.
I have the same problem as Paul (Acristic), many of the cheaper brands don't have the sizes to fit me (short sizes). Simms (and Orvis) waders fit better, but cost more.

The feet on the simms I just got are a tad too small for my liking, but it's manageable and the price was right.
I bought the Simms G3 waders last year for $399 with the GORE-TEX Pro Shell fabric. I was going to buy a cheaper version, but the large I needed wasn't designed for a size 12 foot in most lower priced options (usually stopped at 11). I had trouble deciding between the Simms G3 and the Orvis Pro Guide 3. For most brands I would have needed to go to an X-Large for a size 12 foot.

Anyway, I am happy with the Simms. The more expensive waders are not only made better but also have a better fit for some people. If the cheaper models fit you fine then maybe it doesn't make sense.
I have the same problem as Acristik and Afish, Orvis or Simms make boots that fit. LL Bean is another to look at too. I had a pair of Bean Westbranch that fit well, but one thing I hated was the neoprene shoulder harness/strap. That thing was very hot when hiking and I hated it. Luckily a friend gave me a set of suspenders from an old set that worked perfect. They broke down and leaked evenually--sealed them up 2 times befor giving up on them. I got serious leakage in the foot and I couldn't find the leak.

Picked up a set of the Orivs Pro Guides and love them. They are comfortable, fit well and are heavily covered in the areas I need them to be. Wasn't sure I'd like the softshell like material on the back, but man are they comfortable.
i bought a pair of $450 dollar waders and love every minute of them. cant say i paid retail but they are new. Cant say i would change anything on my Cloudveil 8x. i treat them like a step child as well, if something is expensive that should mean its durability is up a notch too.
I have one expensive pair of breathables, and a nice pair of neo's for the winter. My buddy tore a really good set up on the Erie Tribs and is now simply buying cheap $60 breathables at ****s, figuring if they last a year that is perfect. He refuses to buy any waders in the over $100 range, as he likes his cheap ones and they work well.
Only the best gear and supporting local fly shops... F cabelas and LL bean
Tom why do you need to break into personal assults when someone disagrees with you?
I don't need to...i just felt like it there. Was also trying to figure how LLbean got lumped in with Cabelas...or maybe you had more experience with co2 tanks than gear. Or if you were just one of those guys who dresses the part and therefore is...