3rd Annual PAFF Fish N Chips Outing: 26 July 2014

Jack, no pm from you? You would be welcome to crash at my house the night before if you like.

Sorry about that Mike, I'll have to see how the end of that week plays out to know if I can leave on Friday or Saturday. Thank you for the overnight invite much appreciated. I'm looking forward to being there, all of you get so much accomplished at this event can't wait to pitch in any way I can.
If I figured my schedule correctly I'm off that day and will be there.
As of now the date is no longer tentative. The 26th it is. I'll start finalizing plans and assigning things after the July 4th holiday.

Thanks for everyone's interest.
Glad its a solid date, as i already have it on the calender and switched saturdays with someone to make sure im off for it! haha

Foxgap239 wrote:
As of now the date is no longer tentative. The 26th it is. I'll start finalizing plans and assigning things after the July 4th holiday.

Thanks for everyone's interest.