3rd Annual PAFF Fish N Chips Outing: 26 July 2014

Some time ago, TDB offered up a copy of Dynamic Nymphing by George Daniels to the Newbie that responded first to his posting. I was lucky enough to be the newb that got the book.

I checked with him and he agreed with my thought that I would take it to the Fish and Chips event. At some point during the day, we'll put the Newbie's names into a hat and pass the book onto someone.

My hope is that whoever gets the book will read and learn from it, then pass it on to another newbie.
FishInPhilly wrote:
This forum has to have about the nicest most caring people ever. You guys are awesome. Ill make sure I have enough to atleast get me a good start. I like to get started early, so i PLAN TO be there well before the sunrise so i can experience all of it. Ill have something together to get me kicking and will definately be stopping at the fly shop also. Thanks H.A.


Ryan, H-A, Delta Dog and me will be there by first light. Or as H-A likes to say zero dark thirty. One of us will have duns for you to use. Having the right flies should be WAY down on your list of worries for that day. I want your biggest worry to be what the hell do I eat, there is SO much to choose from!

djs12354 wrote:
Some time ago, TDB offered up a copy of Dynamic Nymphing by George Daniels to the Newbie that responded first to his posting. I was lucky enough to be the newb that got the book.

I checked with him and he agreed with my thought that I would take it to the Fish and Chips event. At some point during the day, we'll put the Newbie's names into a hat and pass the book onto someone.

My hope is that whoever gets the book will read and learn from it, then pass it on to another newbie.

As usual Dave is thinking about the next class of newbies. Which is so appropriate because the guy is all about "class"!
Also, I know its early to commit but if any of our "professional" guys out there would like to come and do a presentation at the Fish N Chips, please contact me via PM. These newbies are like sponges and suck up information with a zeal I love. They would enjoy anything from a casting demo, a tying demo, streams to fish or an entomology lesson.

OldLefty has provided a casting demo for the first two years and he is more than welcome to do it again (I hope he does) but I wanted to offer it out to other guys (or gals, yes that means you April) if they 'd like to join the fun.

Many thanks,
Foxgap239 wrote:
OldLefty has provided a casting demo for the first two years and he is more than welcome to do it again (I hope he does) but I wanted to offer it out to other guys (or gals, yes that means you April) if they 'd like to join the fun.

:-o :-o :-o

If you get April Vokey to show up, I promise not to pick on you all day. :cool:
Heritage-Angler wrote:

:-o :-o :-o

If you get April Vokey to show up, I promise not to pick on you all day. :cool:


Don't fall for that. You could have the Swedish Bikini Team show up and you would still get your butt busted. :)

looking forward to this event.fox I was thinking mabey I could do apples on the grill,like I did at jacks that night.let me know,looking forward to fishing with you guys again
I'm curious how you cook apples on the grill? I've had grilled pineapple that's really good.

If April Vokey shows up, just call me a newbie.
BC I slice them up, an put them in an aluminum foil pan.Coat them with agave nectar, an cinnamon.and they turn out really tasty.[granny smith apples]
I'm thinking about it...attending the jam, that is. I'm too old to think about April.
Mic those sound delicious. I think you should do it!
Thanks for the info Mic. Those sound really good.
I can attest to the addictive natural of said apples! They may have been better than the baked potato. :cool:
OldLefty wrote:
I'm thinking about it...attending the jam, that is. I'm too old to think about April.

Dave, hope you can make it, I'm going to try to talk Don into it as well. BTW, I think April would have to keep up with you! ;-)
Foxgap239 wrote:
I can attest to the addictive natural of said apples! They may have been better than the baked potato. :cool:

Whoa!! thems might be fightin words to Dan. :lol: They are that good, The shrimp off the Barbie was up there as well. Thanks again Mike, delicious.
lv2nymph wrote:
Foxgap239 wrote:
I can attest to the addictive natural of said apples! They may have been better than the baked potato. :cool:

Whoa!! thems might be fightin words to Dan. :lol: They are that good, The shrimp off the Barbie was up there as well. Thanks again Mike, delicious.

Jack, I know it is a bit of a ride for you. But it would be great if you could make it. I'll bribe you with some of my potatoe salad.

Gencon potato salad is top notch!
If Dan brings his pasta salad, I know what I'm eating.

GenCon wrote:
lv2nymph wrote:
Foxgap239 wrote:
I can attest to the addictive natural of said apples! They may have been better than the baked potato. :cool:

Whoa!! thems might be fightin words to Dan. :lol: They are that good, The shrimp off the Barbie was up there as well. Thanks again Mike, delicious.

Jack, I know it is a bit of a ride for you. But it would be great if you could make it. I'll bribe you with some of my potatoe salad.

I'll be looking for that potato salad then Mike. ;] Pm sent fox