3 Tips from a Competitive Fly Fisher

Swattie87 wrote:
While I’d personally rather fish with spinning tackle than nymph (I much prefer dries or streamers), one must admit that the “competition” style nymph techniques are VERY effective, and not all that easy to learn and master. Some of these guys are young (like teenagers) so they can’t have been FFing all that long in comparison to some of the old guard here. That said, and whether or not they’re “experts”, I’m fairly certain many of these “kids” could outfish many of the folks on this site using those techniques...They’re that effective and that good. It’s pretty impressive really, and knocking it IMO is generally coming from a place of ignorance.

Again, not my personal cup of tea either, but fortunately we’re all allowed to enjoy different FFing techniques and the reg book (with a few minor exceptions) is pretty open about letting you fish in the manner YOU enjoy most. Never quite understood the mindset of “the way I fish is better than the way you fish.” Who cares. Fishing is measured in fun. If someone has fun competing, cool. If someone has fun enjoying the outdoors, and not caring if they catch anything, also cool. If someone has fun ripping on people or a style of FFing on an internet message board, lame.

I didn't think anyone was bashing euro nymphing or a style of fishing here. I read most of the comments (including my own) as commentary on promoting a business w/ out moderator approval being in bad taste.
silverfox wrote:

I didn't think anyone was bashing euro nymphing or a style of fishing here. I read most of the comments (including my own) as commentary on promoting a business w/ out moderator approval being in bad taste.

There were two separate discussions being had from my read. The comments about not understanding competing with FFing, and some TIC commentary about competition/Euro style nymphing and it being popular amongst relatively newer/younger FFers was what I was responding to.

As far as the promoting a business thing, the forum has rules about what is and isn't allowed, but it's an inherently gray thing. It's the site owner and/or moderator's job to define those lines, determine when they've been crossed, and make judge's calls if necessary. Not envious of them for that. I don't know the OP, or his actual intentions, so I won't comment one way or the other, other than to say the moderators have made their decision in this case and moved on.
I didn't think anyone was bashing euro nymphing or a style of fishing here. I read most of the comments (including my own) as commentary on promoting a business w/ out moderator approval being in bad taste.

But people were down right bashing competitive fly fishing and euro nymphing. If you would have taken the time to actually watch the video it has nothing to do with competitive fly fishing. Just an interview with a guy sharing what techniques he learned in the last 4 years while competing and how you can apply that to every day fly fishing. This includes using the full spectrum of flies, not just jig nymphs.

Also, I might add again. There is nothing in the video or his links where you can directly buy any material, flies, etc... His business is speaking at fly fishing related events.....
silverfox wrote:
I read most of the comments (including my own) as commentary on promoting a business w/ out moderator approval being in bad taste.

Some of the comments were of that nature, but about half were bashing competitive fishing.

I didn't see TC promoting anything in that video.
redietz wrote:

I didn't see TC promoting anything in that video.

Look closer. If you expand the description on that video, it's full of amazon affiliate links. If anyone clicks on any of those links and buys any of those items on amazon, he gets money.

The whole thing is for money. It's the "wish4fish" model. Make a bunch of social media accounts and monetize them, link to products w/ affiliate links, sell speaking presentations, hosted trips, t-shirts, hats etc. etc. etc. Then spam links to your social media accounts or youtube channel anywhere that will allow it.
silverfox wrote:
The whole thing is for money. It's the "wish4fish" model. Make a bunch of social media accounts and monetize them, link to products w/ affiliate links, sell speaking presentations, hosted trips, t-shirts, hats etc. etc. etc. Then spam links to your social media accounts or youtube channel anywhere that will allow it.

IF these guys can actually make a living doing that (I doubt it), good for them. Beats working for somebody else...But my guess is they're doing that too, and do the FFing stuff because they ENJOY it.
The whole thing is for money. It's the "wish4fish" model. Make a bunch of social media accounts and monetize them, link to products w/ affiliate links, sell speaking presentations, hosted trips, t-shirts, hats etc. etc. etc. Then spam links to your social media accounts or youtube channel anywhere that will allow it.

Tim is making a few pennies off of your clicks. Literally that's all, research it on google. Like I said before by posting on this site is likely to gain you 100 views if you are extremely lucky. Judging by the amount of people who are commenting about the video but have not actually watched it that number is far less. No money to be gained here, dont think hes pushing that agenda.

As for the WISH4FISH MODEL, that guy will flat out tell you that this is not how he makes a living and he enjoys the experience and maybe some free gear. Hes actually an accomplished businessman that works with poker companies in Japan. He says this in his videos its not secret.

Making money off of fly fishing is like being a rock star. Lots of people are musicians but on only like .0001% actually make a living off of the hobby.
I didn't say they're making a living off it and I don't know why that matters. I fully understand how social media monetization works. That's why I pointed it out. Again, you're saying that because he isn't making a living off of it that it's ok?

I was responding to redietz saying he isn't promoting anything. He is. The whole thing is a promotion, and it's monetized.

Whatever. The mods are ok with it so that's that. Just stating my opinion like everyone else. The opinions just differ.
"Making money off of fly fishing is like being a rock star. Lots of people are musicians but on only like .0001% actually make a living off of the hobby."

yes, a musician I follow posted "tour canceled by virus, net worth up several k..."
Does it really matter how much money someone is making when the point is they are making money ? So since this might be Tims side job and it maybe a labor of love it’s ok ?
Not gonna speak for the Mods obviously but what i read was....
This one can stand.

So anyone want to discuss the video?:lol:

Fredrick wrote:
Does it really matter how much money someone is making when the point is they are making money ? So since this might be Tims side job and it maybe a labor of love it’s ok ?

Depends on your perspective I guess. And a lot has to do with intent IMO. If your livelihood depends on it, your intent is likely to be different than if it’s something you enjoy doing first and foremost, and happen to make a negligible amount of money from in the process. I find it hard to believe someone’s intent was to make a few cents off of PAFF clicks by posting an informative video, but again I have no first-hand knowledge either way of the OP’s intentions. It just doesn’t even justify the time effort of posting it when you could be doing something else that makes you more money, per time spent. Now, if there was a significant amount of money to be made by posting a video like that, I think the likelihood of financial intentions would be greater. Common sense type of thing.

The site has rules about this stuff for good reason. You don’t want vendors or individuals coming on here and pushing their products/brand/social media for financial gain without contributing anything else. It’s the moderators job to make determinations like these. Not fun, I imagine, and infinitely open to criticism no matter what decision is made.
Professional Hand Tied!

Wow. We must really be bored. It feels like the dead of winter around here. :roll:

The site owner and mods have the final say in all this. Anything else is noise.

Regarding "making money" off posting a link to a video, Why would rank and file PAFF members give a hoot? I'd bet all the money Tim made on posting here (not much, apparently) that the same guys who cast aspersions at him for trying to make money off fly fishing are the same ones who are uber capitalist, conservatives. Just like fly fishing, making money is approved as long and one does so how these self-appointed arbiters of such morality approve.

Unclench, go fishing.
Fly-Swatter wrote:
Wow. We must really be bored. It feels like the dead of winter around here. :roll:

The site owner and mods have the final say in all this. Anything else is noise.

Regarding "making money" off posting a link to a video, Why would rank and file PAFF members give a hoot? I'd bet all the money Tim made on posting here (not much, apparently) that the same guys who cast aspersions at him for trying to make money off fly fishing are the same ones who are uber capitalist, conservatives. Just like fly fishing, making money is approved as long and one does so how these self-appointed arbiters of such morality approve.

Unclench, go fishing.

As my original post suggested, I'd just hate to see every other post here turn into people promoting their youtube channel like it is on other social media.

I'd also like to point out the irony in chastising people for having an opinion on the matter.
I was with ya right up to the point you singled out a group....
silverfox wrote:
As my original post suggested, I'd just hate to see every other post here turn into people promoting their youtube channel like it is on other social media.

Agreed on that point. Though I don't think it happens that much around here. If some posters are actually intending to do that (not saying they are), they flirt the line relatively well with providing other productive discussion as to not make it obvious. The rare obvious attempts at it are quickly identified and extinguished...You have to be on your toes to even catch them as they're deleted nearly immediately. Again, props to the mods.
Great thread! I've seen so many of my old pals posting, folks I haven't seen posting in a long time. Hope everyone is doing good!

I don't care if people are guides, competitive fishers, whatever. I used to get a little irked at the new class of "professionals", dudes who have been fishing for like, 2 years who think they're qualified now to be guides or 'pro'. But now I just don't care anymore.

I think generally, this site is pretty tolerant. But what has never been tolerated by the mods or by the masses is people who take advantage of free, self-promotion. And I for one always enjoyed that aspect of this site.

Fly-Swatter wrote:
Wow. We must really be bored. It feels like the dead of winter around here. :roll:

The site owner and mods have the final say in all this. Anything else is noise.

Regarding "making money" off posting a link to a video, Why would rank and file PAFF members give a hoot? I'd bet all the money Tim made on posting here (not much, apparently) that the same guys who cast aspersions at him for trying to make money off fly fishing are the same ones who are uber capitalist, conservatives. Just like fly fishing, making money is approved as long and one does so how these self-appointed arbiters of such morality approve.

Unclench, go fishing.

You missed the point he doesn’t do anything to give back to the page just uses it as a means to get views/link clicks which equals money, sponsorships and free gear . BTW I definitely fish allot more then you and catch bigger fish . Sorry there I go with my noise again :pint:
