3 Tips from a Competitive Fly Fisher



Jul 2, 2013
In my latest video, I interview Rich Ferrara, a fly fisher for over 20 years. Recently, Rich has been involved in more fly fishing competitions and has learned much more about effective fishing techniques. In this video, he shares three tips that will help us all catch more trout!

More importantly, is there a tip that you can share with others? Related to moving water, mine is to be intentional about the water types you're selecting and to try others. For instance, if you typically choose pools, pick apart a riffle and compare against your prior experience. Fish are constantly changing their feeding lies and we have to take advantage of that as fly fishers.


View Rich's tips here:
C'mon Tim not one post from you that didn't involve self promotion

3 Tips from a Competitive Fly Fisher
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Re: Fly Fishing "Q & A" #4
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Fly Fishing "Q & A" #4
No one cares about competitive fly fishing/fly fishers
SlowMutants wrote:
No one cares about competitive fly fishing/fly fishers

I care. I think the competitive folks have a ton of knowledge and tactics that help me out. I however am not interested in competitive fly fishing but I do think they are the best fishers. George Daniel is one example.

Thanks for sharing this information. I am all about supporting our USA Fly Fishing Teams.
I happen to enjoy Tim's videos.
My comment was really just a dig at what frederick was alluding to that the original posters post seem to be self serving. I do realize if you are into euro-nymphing particularly there is information to be learned from competitive fly fisherman.
I don't know him personally but he has reached out to me on Instagram and through this site before. His videos are very informative with zero fluff. Give him a shot, I bet you will change your opinion.
Tim is one of the good guys.

I emailed him a couple questions about tying for the Sulphur hatch. He emailed me back in a few MINUTES with some answers and then followed up the next day.

I've learned a lot from Tim's videos. And I really appreciate that.

Tim runs a BUSINESS. He'd be an idiot not to promote it. If promotion was intrusive to his message about fly tying and fishing that would be a problem. But that' not the reality of what's happening.

If I had the opportunity to fish with Tim or Fredrick I'd pick Tim EVERY time...
UncleShorty wrote:

Tim runs a BUSINESS. He'd be an idiot not to promote it. If promotion was intrusive to his message about fly tying and fishing that would be a problem.

Just to clarify...

While this post can stand, the moderator staff would like to re-emphasize that posters who are in the FF business (as many of us are to some degree) are not welcome to use the forum to promote that business. If you wish to sell stuff or toot your business links, please contact the site owner to inquire about advertising. PAFF may be interested in publicizing your business as a public service message, but please inquire about this before doing it yourselves.

This has been a moderating headache for years with many posters putting links to their business and websites that sell FF gear. If you wish to link back to your personal website or social media, we'll tolerate this up to a point ("link farming" is discouraged - respect our site and share your content here).

If that website or social media has anything to sell or promotes a business, such as guiding or selling flies, DON'T link to it... and keep links to it out of your signature line.
I don't think competitive, and fly fishing, should be in the same sentence. My whole reason for fly fishing is for peace of mind and enjoying the outdoors, not trying to out do somebody. jmo
I personally don't get the competitive mentality, or people who count fish. I also get kind of peeved at people who are playing the role of "expert" who have only been fly fishing for a few years.

Not saying that's the case here, but there are some "influencers" out there who only have a handful of years under their belt. With social media and online platforms, there's a lot of people who are good at promoting themselves as experts, and little more.

The OP sure comes across to me as advertisement to promote a business. Especially when there is so much potential monetary gain from youtube or other social media platforms. Anything promoting a social media account should be considered the same as promoting a physical product.

I belong to a bunch of social media groups and it gets a little old when one person posts links to their youtube channel on every single group. Hope that doesn't end up being the case here.
I personally don't get the competitive mentality, or people who count fish. I also get kind of peeved at people who are playing the role of "expert" who have only been fly fishing for a few years.

This video isn't about competitive angling at all. The guest speaker is offering tips about what he has learned in the last 4 years of competitive angling that you may apply to the regular type of fishing you do. He also goes on to say that he does have 16 total years of fly fishing experience.

I do agree there are a lot of hacks out there to look out for but even an influencer who has only been in the game for say less than 4 years can become an expert at fly fishing. Especially when its your job and you spend more time on the water in 1 year than most people in a lifetime. Don't underestimate time spent on the water vs. time alive in this world.

The OP sure comes across to me as advertisement to promote a business. Especially when there is so much potential monetary gain from youtube or other social media platforms. Anything promoting a social media account should be considered the same as promoting a physical product.

I assure you there is very little monetary gain to be made off of youtube. First your video has to be "monetized" by youtube, that is to say they insert adds into your videos. You get paid by clicks on the add, not views. So for 15k views, Tim can probably expect to make about $20 or so. You are not making a living off of this contrary belief. (you can google this).

Furthmore, you're likely only reaching about 100 active users on this site and maybe a couple hundred more people that surf the site on a semi-regular basis. Its far from an advertising platform.

His links go to some personal sites but he doesn't offer anything for sale on those sites so...

Anyway I'm done defending someone I have had limited contact with. I just think he is a genuinely good guy who has a lot to offer fellow fly fishers.
I oersonally find Tim's posts informative, the same as I find it informative when someone posts a video by Tom Rosenbauer. Yes, both are associated with businesses, but the the content isn't about pitching product.

I have zero interest in competitive fly fishing (except possible one fly events for charity) but that doesn't mean I can't learn something from competitive anglers.
I don't think competitive, and fly fishing, should be in the same sentence. My whole reason for fly fishing is for peace of mind and enjoying the outdoors, not trying to out do somebody. jmo

One man’s promoting is another man’s advertising. If anyone is running a business, they probability know that you pay for advertising. As I see that other business are paying to advertising on this site why should some get FREE advertising and other pay to advertise?

As for competitive fly fishing, I agree with Wildtrout2 100%. Some the best fly-fishing trips, I have taken, I did not catch fish. Remember it is called fishing and not catching.
I think allot of people on here want to give Tim a free pass because they like his content . I like his content also but I also believe that he is taking advantage of this forum and doesn't give back . Giving back is posting content or helping other members with subjects not related to any promotional content he has posted . I have mentioned this in past to Tim and its seems that it has only gotten worse .
Keep $$$$$ and competition out of flyfishing. Just my take.
“I also get kind of peeved at people who are playing the role of "expert" who have only been fly fishing for a few years”

Me, My 11’ 3wt Syndicate, and my TackyBox full of cannonballs take offense to that comment.
While I’d personally rather fish with spinning tackle than nymph (I much prefer dries or streamers), one must admit that the “competition” style nymph techniques are VERY effective, and not all that easy to learn and master. Some of these guys are young (like teenagers) so they can’t have been FFing all that long in comparison to some of the old guard here. That said, and whether or not they’re “experts”, I’m fairly certain many of these “kids” could outfish many of the folks on this site using those techniques...They’re that effective and that good. It’s pretty impressive really, and knocking it IMO is generally coming from a place of ignorance.

Again, not my personal cup of tea either, but fortunately we’re all allowed to enjoy different FFing techniques and the reg book (with a few minor exceptions) is pretty open about letting you fish in the manner YOU enjoy most. Never quite understood the mindset of “the way I fish is better than the way you fish.” Who cares. Fishing is measured in fun. If someone has fun competing, cool. If someone has fun enjoying the outdoors, and not caring if they catch anything, also cool. If someone has fun ripping on people or a style of FFing on an internet message board, lame.