2wt advise

I have an Orvis Clearwater 61/2ft 4 wht for sale $150.00 plus shipping, if you want to see some pictures ,let me know
thanks. i will let you know if i decide to go the 4wt route.
thanks all. these are very helpful. based on majority of advise here, i have decided not to go 2wt route. 3 wt and a slightly shorter rod may be my next choice.
I have a Flea too (bamboo) but mine is 6'6".

Is 5'6" a typo or is there another length out there?
Yep. Typo. 6’6” graphite. Probably 35 years old.
We should get together. By the time that happens I will have forgotten why I wanted to meet up with you. 😀
I've never laid hands on the graphite version but I've heard good things. As expected, supposedly the bamboo version is slower.

I acquired from a freind for about $100 as a 1 tip rod. I had Orvis build me a 2nd tip back in the early 1980's and about 15 years ago I had it refurbished by Orvis so it's around for another 48 years. ;)

I fish mine often. It's a sweet little rod and I am very partial to that length rod for small water. I also have a 6'6" 3wt glass rod that gets a lot of use.