2nd Annual Fish N Chips Event

I would very much like to come. I was referred to this site by a member on pafoa.org after I posted this:

Hello all. As some of you know, one of my favorite things is fishing. I go mainly for rainbow trout (good eatin'), and have always fished rivers and streams with a spinning reel. I've used a variety of baits, lures and riggings with decent luck. Most commonly, I use a pair of gang hooks with a worm for bait. I've also had great luck with inline spinner/fly combos, small spoons, and I love my Panther Martin spinner and my Mepp's Aglia.

I had always dismissed fly fishing as something that would take far too much time and work to learn, something for the elite, but have always held a deep respect for it. Every time I see a person working their line just right to land a fly, I think to myself, 'there is a better fisherman than me.' I love watching it. The graceful loop of the line, the art of simulating nature as closely as possible to fool even the wariest, oldest trout into striking...

Well, I've decided I want to stop being lazy and learn. However, at the moment, I simply cannot afford to buy an entire set of supplies. Hell, I can hardly afford the gas to go fishing at all. Plus, what if I buy all this crap only find out that fly fishing isn't really my thing?

I was hoping perhaps someone in my area would be willing to show me the ropes. Go out fishing, teach me the basics. Hopefully you have an old spare rod and reel you could loan me for it. Unfortunately, I cannot really offer much in return except the promise that I'll pass the knowledge on to others when I can.

So, anyone willing to tutor? I tend to be a pretty quick learner, and it's always nice to spend time with people of similar interests... So whadya say? I'm in Mount Pocono and can travel a reasonable distance (maybe 30 miles).

Well, I posted a thread in the beginner section, and was directed here.

So if I come, what are the odds someone will be willing to let me use a spare they have to learn? I have no gear at the moment.

I have literally never touched a fly rod in my life. I have always envied those that do it, and think it's high time I learn myself.

EDIT: Well, now I'm not so sure. Heritage-Angler told me in the thread I started that it was about a 30 minute drive from Mt Pocono. But after actually looking at the directions he posted, I see it's actually in Allentown? That's an hour from here, and I don't think I can swing that on Saturday.
I can provide you my Winston Passport 9ft 4wt. Someone provide him a reel?
Sorry, don't think I can come. I was told it was a half hour drive from mt pocono by another member. After posting here, I looked at the directions to find that it's 60 miles away in Allentown, twice the distance than I said I was willing to travel. Man, I really got my hopes up when he said that, too.
The trip from Mt. Pocono to the parking lot on the LL is 43.1 miles / 42 minute trip according to Google maps.

Directions to the LL

I believe you will find the event worth driving an extra 12 minutes. The food alone makes the drive worthwhile....and meeting Foxy and Ed is priceless.
I have a cheapie loaner reel.

SBecker wrote:
I can provide you my Winston Passport 9ft 4wt. Someone provide him a reel?
It is not 42 miles. I've mapped out every route I can. The shortest is 57 miles/1 hour.

It's not so much a matter of what I'm WILLING to drive, as much as what I CAN drive.

We just had to drop over $3000 on a dental surgery, and money is very tight so we're trying to conserve. This is much further than we agreed we're allowed to go for "fun" things. My car is dead in the driveway waiting to go to a mechanic when we can, and in the meantime we're sharing my wife's (god, I hate automatic trannsmissions...) and she would be very upset if I drove it 100 miles tomorrow.

I'm sorry, I really want to come, but it looks like it's simply not an option unless I can ask my frineds if one of them wants to go to and ride down with them. Not likely, none of my friends in PA like to fish, but I will ask just the same.
Snakeman21, if you come, I'm sure we can get you a setup to at least work on casting on the lawn with us and I'm sure you won't be alone. You are going to need to spend some time practicing before hitting the water or you are just going to frustrate yourself and walk away. This is a newbie instructional event after all. :)
snakeman21 wrote:
It is not 42 miles. I've mapped out every route I can. The shortest is 57 miles/1 hour.

It's not so much a matter of what I'm WILLING to drive, as much as what I CAN drive.

We just had to drop over $3000 on a dental surgery, and money is very tight so we're trying to conserve. This is much further than we agreed we're allowed to go for "fun" things. My car is dead in the driveway waiting to go to a mechanic when we can, and in the meantime we're sharing my wife's (god, I hate automatic trannsmissions...) and she would be very upset if I drove it 100 miles tomorrow.

I'm sorry, I really want to come, but it looks like it's simply not an option unless I can ask my frineds if one of them wants to go to and ride down with them. Not likely, none of my friends in PA like to fish, but I will ask just the same.

Totally understand. We have various events throughout the course of the year. Just watch for them and attend any you can.
Yes, I am aware, Fox. I have watched many people struggle to get it right. I'm a patient guy.

But, as my previous couple of posts indicate, it looks like I can't come now that I know how far it is. The only way I can is if I can convince one of my friends to come along and ride with them, but none of my friends in this state like to fish, so the chances are slim.

SBecker and Vulksnurse, thanks anyways for the kindness. If you want to still bring your spare equipment, there is still a small chance I can come, though it's not good at all.
If you show up it will be there.
Well, I am back on the roster. djs12354 has generously offered to meet me and allow me to ride down with him. So I will be here after all! Thanks for the help. I'm glad I was pointed to this forum when I was, a couple more days and I'd have missed it!

You guys seem like a tight-knit forum... I like that. The forum I was on when I was referred here is the same way, we do meet ups and barbecues all over the place. Looking forward to meeting some of you guys now, too.
snakeman21 wrote:
Well, I am back on the roster. djs12354 has generously offered to meet me and allow me to ride down with him. So I will be here after all! Thanks for the help. I'm glad I was pointed to this forum when I was, a couple more days and I'd have missed it!

You guys seem like a tight-knit forum... I like that. The forum I was on when I was referred here is the same way, we do meet ups and barbecues all over the place. Looking forward to meeting some of you guys now, too.

You will find out tomorrow. We really like each other despite how much abuse you see them give me. dsj is a pretty special guy and him doing this surprises me about as much as snow surprises me in the artic!
Foxgap239 wrote:
snakeman21 wrote:
Well, I am back on the roster. djs12354 has generously offered to meet me and allow me to ride down with him. So I will be here after all! Thanks for the help. I'm glad I was pointed to this forum when I was, a couple more days and I'd have missed it!

You guys seem like a tight-knit forum... I like that. The forum I was on when I was referred here is the same way, we do meet ups and barbecues all over the place. Looking forward to meeting some of you guys now, too.

You will find out tomorrow. We really like each other despite how much abuse you see them give me. dsj is a pretty special guy and him doing this surprises me about as much as snow surprises me in the artic!

Fox, in your case it's more akin to "tolerate" than "like" ..... ;->
Just saw this while planning to hit LL sat morning on my own. Can't stay for lunch and festivities but will try to stop by and say hi.
I had to pull out early due to my work trip tomorrow but I wanted to stay a big THANK YOU to everyone who attended and brought something to share. The generosity of this group with tangible things as well as their vast knowledge sharing is what makes this event special. I personally can't wait for the 3rd annual.

Thank you again to everyone, including those who dropped by to say hello or who might join PAFF because you saw what a special group we have.

Fox -

Thanks to you and everyone who helped you organize the event!

Glad I had the chance to get together with everyone for a short time.

Thank you all! I had a great time and learned lots...

DO watch for the photo the Delta_dog took and photoshopped of me and Dave from the fly shop (;>). There's always an "out" Dan....

Thanks Goerge and Heritage Ed for organizing!!!!!

Cant wait for the next get together!
Another great day with all u gents and ladies. Just finished up and going to head home in a bit ... wanted to give another thank u to the guys who put this together, helped on the water and off with instructions, preparation of food, and the PAFF members in general, etc, etc.

Seemed to me everyone had a really good day and I had a blast. Was great putting some faces to the posters, seeing old ones, etc, ... it doesn't even surprise me anymore that I haven't met one person from this board who just isn't good peeps.

//Old lefty is just magic with the fly rod and great to watch and listen too. Shinola was geat to watch and listen ... and he tought me a new useful cast amongst others
Had a great time, had to head out before lunch to get down to the shore. Wish I could have stayed to get some grub, maybe next year. Hope someone put those steaks and homemade wine to good use.

I decided I need to get my eyes checked since I could not see my trico all morning when fishing.

Thanks to all who put this together.
Another great day spent with our fellow PAFF members.

Here's a few pictures of the day - notice the "Helpful Fox" offering donuts to the joggers passing by. One girl said "No thanks - I'd vomit." It cracked me up that he did this, since most of the joggers were out there to lose weight. :lol:


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