20th Anniversary of Paflyfish

The guy that couldn't find us that weekend was when we gathered at the first old cabin to the right when you approach the office. It may have been the year of Seth.
Dear Jack,

I remember Jeff F's wedding at the 1st Jamboree and my dog Sidney stealing the last steak from Jeff's BIL's plate later at their family cabin along Penn's Creek.

Paul G was watching my dog the whole time and he was pleased as punch that Sidney got that steak. I was embarrassed, but only for a few seconds.

It has been a long time and I've made a number of really good friends via PAFF that I might not have otherwise met.

Hey Mo, Jack Steel was around very early on too.

Hey Jack, Seth was a piece of work wasn't he? He and I met down here and fished a few times but mostly we partied. ;-)


Tim Murphy 🙂

Dave has done an awesome job with this site. Since being from Long Island and dont get to fish as much as you guys do, reading reports/tying patterns and misc info about fly fishing really makes those times in between the fishing trips go fast. Ive only met a couple guys from here, Dave and Krayfish. Hope to attend the jam this year, we will see what the work schedule looks like.
Congrats Dave! You and the mods have created a wonderful home away from the stream. It is greatly appreciated!
I joined in probably 97 or 98. After guys like Maurice, Paul, Padraic, JF, JeffK, and Big/Farmer Dave, etc., but a bit before Jack. Made it to maybe the third Jam, and few thereafter (I'm in the green pullover next to the keg in the second pic that JF posted). I don't seem to find much time to post these days, but I'm very glad this community is still going strong. Congratulations!

TimMurphy wrote:
Dear Jack,

I remember Jeff F's wedding at the 1st Jamboree and my dog Sidney stealing the last steak from Jeff's BIL's plate later at their family cabin along Penn's Creek.

Paul G was watching my dog the whole time and he was pleased as punch that Sidney got that steak. I was embarrassed, but only for a few seconds.

It has been a long time and I've made a number of really good friends via PAFF that I might not have otherwise met.

Hey Mo, Jack Steel was around very early on too.

Hey Jack, Seth was a piece of work wasn't he? He and I met down here and fished a few times but mostly we partied. ;-)


Tim Murphy 🙂

Oh come on, Tim. I know the steak incident bothered you longer than that. LOL!

I wasn't there but heard about it. And when I teased you about it ... I could tell it still bothered you. Your are a nicer guy then you let on, but that secret is safe with me. ;-)

The summer before that first jam, Jeff F invited me and my wife to camp and fish with him and Shelby at Penns.

We brought a pot of homemade beef stew along and cooked it on the campfire. There was some left over, so we left it out to cool off and then we forgot about it. Jeff F's dog (CB) found it in the middle of the night. I didn't care and we got a good laugh about it. But you can consider Sidney's actions to be payback. LOL!

I've met several great guys at the few jams that I have been to, and Paul was one of the best.

Hard to believe it's coming up on twenty years Dave. What a great time in those early days. Here's a photo from the first Jam in 1999? Sorry for the low resolution, but this was back in the film days and Dave had me keep the pixel count really low when scanning images for the site back then. Apologies if I misidentify anyone, but I believe pictured here are: CW, JF, Chaz, Shelby, Pad, Jeff F, Tim Murphy, Paul G, Lou, Jeff K, Stan and Jack Steel.

Here's to another twenty years!


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Thank you for a very informative and enjoyable site. May the next 20 be even better.
Still the biggest surprise for me was many years ago with the start of the Jams and so many people creating friendships from the site. It may seems assumed today, but 20 years ago I imaged the site as just a way share information online.

I know it seems corny but a lot of good has come from so many people helping each other out in the sport from being here.

We have the Spring Jam 2016 coming up in May, hope we can catch up and continue what we started.
Congratulations on 20 years of success! That's quite an accomplishment as I've seen many forums crash and burn in much shorter time periods.

I realized today that it's been over 4 weeks since I've been here. I was supposed to have a quiet, catch-up December that turned into an extremely busy month for me and I missed spending time here.

My one-year, member anniversary isn't until next month and yet I've met more people from here in-person during these 11 months than I would have imagined possible when I signed up. It's been my pleasure and I've immensely enjoyed meeting many of you.

Here's to another 20!
This thread was a good read. It made me realize that I've been here almost 8 years. I can't believe that. I feel like a different person from when I signed on. It's been said before but I'll say it again, actually meeting and fishing with other members is the greatest byproduct of this site...IMHO of course. I feel very fortunate to have met some good friends here. Thanks to Dave and the team for keeping it rolling. Congratulations.
All the best!

20th Anniversary!
I’m trying to figure out the date of my first time appearance on the site?
My skills and focus on fly-fishing get better and sharper and events on the water stay in my memory for good. I think I use a little more space (then others) posting the pics :lol: , hope they are enjoyable.


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Probably have fished with 20 people from the site. Learned a lot.

I fished with JayL last summer 4-5 times in MT.
Fished with Squaretail on J and Spruce. Grannom hatch- his buddy did great!
Penns with Maurice.
Yough with JackM and albatross.
Made a trip to WY with Andrew.
Gulf greyhound in Florida.
See dryflyguy along streams 3 hours from Pittsburgh- few times a year.
Met little juniata during a j clean up day.
No rebuttal! Those were my favorite
Bruno and David on the Allegheny!
Valley with Afish and JayL. Had to fish it after hearing about it so much. Brokaw don't fish valley.

I sure a few more I'm blanking on. Probably been on since 06 or 07.
And work is for suckers!
This is an admirable site not just for the fishing angle but for the people angle.Tried to join a Delaware[home state] forum and was thrown off after one week for remarking that snide remarks about people of different skin hue was uncalled for.I have have survived here for eons.Love it,only forum I'm on.
Thank you Dave.
The challenge is to make it to a Jam Pete. Then the whole picture comes together. When you sit at a table and Dave Kile,Maurice,Afishinado,Farmer Dave ,Pro4ormance you get a perspective of why the site exists and why people love fly fishing. There are truly no strangers just fellow fishermen you haven't met.GG
yeah butt I would lose my mystique and be just another old wind bag instead of a prince charmless.
PM sent
pete41 wrote:
yeah butt I would lose my mystique and be just another old wind bag instead of a prince charmless.

Do it Pete!
It's time to return to good ole PA. We'll hit Letort together. Bet you'll be surprised how little it has changed.

Dooo iiittt! 🙂
Maurice wrote:

OK do we gotta do a roll call Paul?
Dwight aka,StreamNerd(troutbert),
Tim Murphy,
Tim B

Are forgetting anyone?
I clearly saw Jack Steel in the photo.
I'm not sure when I joined, but it seemed like there was already quite a few regulars already on board, so I don't think it was real near the beginning.

Back in the early days, I remember that there was quite a lot of skepticism about wild trout in PA on the board. You don't hear that much anymore.

I also remember a guy who was trying to destroy both paflyfish and the Flyfishers Paradise forum. He actually directly SAID that he was trying to. Those were "interesting" times.
