2019 PAFF Eastern Pa. Fly Tying jam - 16 Feb

Thanks to Mike and Tyger for putting this all together. Enjoyed meeting some of you and tying some great looking flies. Looking forward to those photos Jack took!
Great fun and great group of guys ( and kids) ! Definitely picked up a few pointers that I will incorporate in to my tying. Super group!

Thank you all.
It was great to see everyone again, wish it could be more often. Big thank you to Mike & "T" for organizing the jam, it went off without a hitch...
This past Saturday, February 16th was the 2019 PAFF tying jam. It was a great success!

We had lots of good tyers from all skill levels. Everyone had an excellent time and it was great to see some old friends and make some new ones.

I want to thank Jack Fields for taking all our pictures.

We were able to give a very nice donation to the nature center due to the generosity of the people and companies who donated the prizes for the fundraiser. We would also like to thank the good folks at the Lehigh Gap Nature Center for having us at their facility.

As an added attraction yesterday, Bill Fretz demonstrated how to make furled leaders. Bill makes fine leaders and it was quite interesting to see how it is done.

Attached are the photos of the flies tied along with a photo of Bill making the furled leader.


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Very welcome Mike, it was my pleasure. Everyone did a great job at the vise. Had a great time...
Kudos to Mike and all who contributed.

Wish I could have made it - but it's nice to see some pics.
Nice flies everyone, the pics came out great, Jack!

For the record, Mike did all the "hosting" work...I was just moral support :)
J55tyger88 wrote:
Nice flies everyone, the pics came out great, Jack!

For the record, Mike did all the "hosting" work...I was just moral support

Oh Tyger Alright then next year you are doing all the work. Deal?

And you know what. Jack and I were driving home. He said to me. Who do you think really crushed it today. After I thought about it I said actually Bradtheflyfisherman is the one who crushed it the most. He has only been tying for a bit over a year and did that stone fly nymph. Not only did he tie it well he handled himself like a pro.

So Kudos to you Brad


Michael Lohman
Sorry i missed the show. last minute responsibilites at home.

Looks like a fun time was had by all!
eunanhendron wrote:
Sorry i missed the show. last minute responsibilites at home.

Looks like a fun time was had by all

We did miss you there. Next time. Will you be at Lancaster?


Michael Lohman
Not tying at the big shows this year, though i may go one day to walk the floor and cast a few bonefish lines.

And you know what. Jack and I were driving home. He said to me. Who do you think really crushed it today. After I thought about it I said actually Bradtheflyfisherman is the one who crushed it the most. He has only been tying for a bit over a year and did that stone fly nymph. Not only did he tie it well he handled himself like a pro.

So Kudos to you Brad


Thanks Mike, appreciate the kind words...just putting to use what I've learned from the past jam and lots of Youtube tying videos. I will begin dabbling with more traditional wet flies and dries soon enough...

Those photos came out great too...nice work Jack.
Thanks, glad to be of service :-D
The event was a lot of fun as usual. Thanks to all the organizers and to the tiers who took the time to share their skills with us.
There's a lot of talented members on this forum and it was a lot of fun to get to know so many and get to pick their brains.

+1 to Brad's stonefly nymph skills. you'd never know you were so new to tying looking at your work and your presentation to the group.

+1 thanks to Jack Fields for taking the great pictures and for the quick posting of them.

I had a thought for next year that's been marinating in my head since the event. I thought i'd throw it out there for others to think about. The event is great, and we all learn a lot by watching all the skilled tiers and teachers in the group. More than once i was itching to get behind a vice and try some of what was being demonstrated as i learn and retain the information much better when i'm hands-on. What if next year we incorporated a chance for guided tying lessons to break up the day? Nothing overly complicated. maybe a 30 min session where half the demonstrators at a time have a volunteer join them at their vice and they coach them through tying the pattern they presented. if you timed it right, a tier might be able to apprentice 1 or two people during that time frame. The tiers are already bringing the materials to tie their patterns so it wouldn't take much to have a few extra supplies on hand.

You could even do it twice during the event. Something along the lines of have the first 10 demonstrations, then take a 30-60 minute session for guided practice with those demonstrators. Next, have tiers #11-20 do their presentations like usual followed by a second guided practice sessions for the second batch of presenters, and then wrap up the event with the raffle as usual.

I thought it could be a nice way to break up the long day of watching and learning, allow some of our new tiers to learn hands-on under the guidance of our demonstrators, and also give an opportunity for some noisier conversations to happen without worrying about spoiling a demonstration. And spectators could have the added bonus of being able to watch their favorite pattern being tied more than once if they wanted.

Just a thought. I don't want to fix something that isn't broken, but i thought it might be a way to continue to improve on an already enjoyable event.

On a separate note, how is it we have a raffle but not one item donated has the PAFF logo on it? not even a hat or patch? If a hat is still available to order come next year, i'll spring for it to donate to the raffle.

that's just my 2 cents.

Bocianka1 wrote:

On a separate note, how is it we have a raffle but not one item donated has the PAFF logo on it? not even a hat or patch? If a hat is still available to order come next year, i'll spring for it to donate to the raffle.

that's just my 2 cents.


Good question Kieth, I suppose in our busy lives it never occurred to me to donate a hat or two for the raffle.

Next year I hope I remember or am reminded so we can contribute to the raffle.

This goes to show how little the site administrators and owner have to do with these crowd-sourced Jams. We are humbled by the efforts and expertise of those who organize and carry out these successful events.

Thanks for your observation of this oversight.

Keith, Maurice, it is a good idea. The only downside is we would have to limit the amount of tyers. This year we were 4 tyers short. If they had been there it would have been tough to get through them all in the time we are allotted. I am not opposed to your idea. But also dont want to limit the amount of tyers.

Lets here from some of the others.

Maurice, a donation of a few hats would be nice. Would be nice if maybe you came your self and tied with us.


Michael Lohman

Perhaps instead of a jam we conduct a fly tying seminar for new tyers. Some flies we tied at the jam maybe a little advanced for newbies. I would propose starting with simple flies ie wooly worm, soft hackle, deer hair streamers etc. Split learners into groups and learners would go round robin through the instructors. We could have 2 or 3 instructors per pattern depending on class size.
A tying demonstration like we had is a different animal than hands-on instruction. Keith’s response is exactly what I believe is hoped for from new tyers looking to advance to the more technical skills some of the guys were highlighting, but this really isn’t the venue for that sort of class. There is no substitute for tying alongside an old timer and having them guide you through the process, there are different avenues available for that- tying nights, classes and informal sessions at people’s homes if you’re lucky enough to be invited. There are a half dozen clubs and less formal groups in the Philly area that offer that possibility, there’s one in Hatboro that meets at a microbrewery just to add another level of interest if you’re in the mood for that sort of thing. Don’t wait until next year, just get out there and tie a few up or on , as the case may be. Chris McGeehan ( full disclosure- past president, Main Line Fly Tyers)
I'd be willing to throw in wit some kind of beginner's seminar (I'm not advanced but I'm not necessarily a beginner either). That being said, I heartily agree with Michael that the Jam is an entirely different critter. Anyone who wants to come to Abington, I'd be willing to have some informal tying get-togethers at my place. Except Chris (Blueheron). He's scary good (remembering the stonefly pattern he did with porcupine quills).(JK)