2017 Fly tying jam - Feb 18

buffalo wrote:
Mike ,
I can make it and will bring some donuts. Won't be there for dinner.


I ordered 5 doz donuts (I've seen these guys eat)

and coffee....

Just bring yourself.
WOW, OK thanks, that's a lot of donuts.
Volksnurse wrote:
buffalo wrote:
Mike ,
I can make it and will bring some donuts. Won't be there for dinner.


I ordered 5 doz donuts (I've seen these guys eat)

and coffee....

Just bring yourself.

If Ed was coming it would not be enough!

2017 Tying jam roster

Gencon parachute emerger
Volksnurse Micky Finn?black nosed dace
LV2nymph Attractor nymph
J55tyger88 Delaware river adams.
DC410 Caddis pupa
Golden Boy Pattern TBD
SBecker CDC sedge
djs12354 Different tangent, nymph
Jerry Coviello Muddler minnow
Acesedgley Golden retriever
InCahoots Crawfish pattern
Mooney4 Deer hair dun.
White8848 Pliva Perdigon Spanish style nymph.
Nomad_Archer Slump Buster.
Matt Harrar Generic mayfly emerger. Matt is a new tyer and doing well.

Still waiting for a few more tyers.
Note to all participating . As always donations are needed. Part of our goal is to have a great raffle and give a healthy donation to the Nature center.

Also we need someone to take care of bringing coffee, donuts. and bottled water.

I encourage all newbies to think about joining us, Its a great event and a chance to see many different tying styles. The amount of techniques you will see are incredible. Its a great learning experience for all.

Dave Smith has volunteered to bring water. Still need someone to bring coffee and donuts.

Sorry it took so long but I've finally narrowed it down to the steelhead stonefly for tomorrow.
It was an excellent time had by all yesterday at the Fly Tying Jam held at the beautiful Lehigh Gap Nature Center. Some beautiful flies were tied, friendships were renewed or made, and everyone seemed to come away with something to add to their own tying. Dinner was also excellent!

Thank you to GenCon and Mooney4 for organizing again!
I'd like to thank everyone that came out yesterday to another wonderful Fly tying jam and the beautiful facility. The generous people at the Lehigh Gap Nature center seem to love having us there. Everyone that came out and tied up their favorite pattern, did a great job! It was great mix of skill levels and I think we all were able to learn something new from others. Also thank you to everyone for all of the donations this year! Thank you to Michael!! Great job! And Thank you to CaptHook!! I can't wait to see the pictures!!
As was already said. Thank you Mike and Rich for putting this together. It was a real treat to be able to attend and put some names and faces to the screen names here. Really great flies were tied and I know my material shopping list grew considerably. My favorite fly yesterday was the Delaware river adams tyed by J55tyger88 that thing was incredible.

The nature preserve is in some beautiful country there looks to be lots of water worth the drive to explore up there. I stopped on the way home to watch some of the sun set over Leaser Lake and couldn't help but think about catching some of the toothies in there.
Had a great time at this Jam Saturday. Great to see everyone, both again and for the first time. Great learning experience and a lot of fun as well. Thanks to Mike and Rich for organizing and to all the tyers who shared their knowledge.

Allready looking forward to the next one.
I should add, thank you to Volksnurse for the dozens and dozens of donuts, coffee, etc. GenCon thoughtfully set my station up a few feet from where it all was stashed. The smell of glazed, jelly filled and chocolate added to the tying ambience. It was carb heaven yesterday.
CaptainHook wrote:
I should add, thank you to Volksnurse for the dozens and dozens of donuts, coffee, etc. GenCon thoughtfully set my station up a few feet from where it all was stashed. The smell of glazed, jelly filled and chocolate added to the tying ambience. It was carb heaven yesterday.

Any time Bob! I assure you, I picked only the freshest, healthiest, diet donuts.
:-D :-D
Thanks to Mike and Rich for a very well planned event. Always great to see and chat with old friends as well as make some new ones. Seemed like everyone had a great time and all were probably able to take something away from it. Nice job guys!
Just catching up. I want to thank everyone for a very successful tying jam. First off the good folks at the nature center. They are always so accommodating. Also to all who donated to our raffle. We generated a very nice donation for the nature center. I want to thank Rich Mooney for his time and assistance. I also want to thank Bob Poole "Capt. Hook" for all his photography work. Can't wait to see the pics.
Next I want to thank all who came and tied. We saw some wonderful talent. And saw some old friends and made some new ones. We did actually have several folks come just to watch. Good for them it is a great opportunity for anyone who ties. Personally I enjoyed watching everyone of you create their flys. Nomad-Archer who is fairly new to tying had a slam dunk on a "slumpbuster"
And I also agree with Nomad that Tyger absolutely crushed it with his demo of the Delaware River Adams" a great pattern. He did it great justice.

Looking forward to doing it all again,

I too want to thank Mike and Rich for organizing this again, and say how much fun I had both during the day as well as at dinner. I am glad to have reinforced my memory of screen names vs real names and faces,and am grateful to have witnessed the super variety of well tied flies there.
Looking forward to getting myself set up to attend the jam and see many of you there!!
Great job to all the guys that organized and participated. It looked like a real good time was had by all, and a lot was offered up by everyone tying.

Sorry I couldn't make it, but my weekends are tied up working at the store.

My favorite pic is of Shane zapping the UV goop trying to save his fly and make it look presentable... :p



  • Shane saving fly.jpg
    Shane saving fly.jpg
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Actually, I am showing the UV resilience of cricetus cricetus. :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Im in the market for some "Wild Russian Hamster" dubbing!!! Do they have that at the Orvis store???????
Great time as usual, and thanks Mike and Rich!

Nomad, thanks man. That slumpbuster you tied is an awesome fly, and works great!

I learned some things and hope I taught some tricks too.