2016 Lancaster Fly Fishing Show: 5-6 March


Did you hire a guide there? Just curious because a buddy of mine is guiding there now.
Breakfast club:

I'll be at the show, but not breakfast.
Yo Tim

I'll be there for breakfast too, as well as the show.
Breakfast Club March 5:


hmmm...I wonder if I could convince Shakey to catch an early train up? I suspect I'd have to bribe him with some fishin this kind of show doesn't have enough glass and pflugers to entice him out of the city.
I just shook some time free on that Saturday. I'll be there for breakfast as well.
For some reason I was thinking this event was THIS Saturday. I was just about to come on here and say breakfast is a big maybe for me due to some car issues. Glad to see it's not til next weekend.
I'll be at the show with a booth and will try to make breakfast. Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces.
I'll be there at breakfast!
Looking good for breakfast. It will be good to meet everyone.
Sorry gents, I have to bail. I have to help w/ a funeral this weekend.
I'll be there for breakfast and the show. Ryan know you have a busy day ahead of you, but do try to join us!

Looking forward to seeing everyone.
I will be attending the show on Saturday all day. Not able to make breakfast though. Maybe next year. Excited about the show though.
I will be attending with two friends on Saturday. I will be the proud flyfisherman with the olive green PA FLYFISH ball hat. :cool: :lol:
any chance we can get any ball caps to purchase at breakfast? See you guys there!
had to bail on breakfast today and tomorrow.....still packing and getting ready for my ff trip to TN on Monday
Met some good people and saw Ryan and his new guy...
Sorry I missed breakfast with you guys. Had a bit of trouble with our trailer and we didn't get in until 9pm Friday to set up. We were at the show at 7am on Saturday because we still had more to set up for the show. It was good to see some familiar faces and meet some new ones Saturday night. I had a great time!