2016 Fishing New Year's Resolutions



Well-known member
Apr 5, 2015
Currently ADK; formerly DWG
Too early? Oh, well... Mine are:

Fly Fishing
1) Fish more nymphs.
I don't enjoy fishing them. I barely even carry them in my fly box. Time to start.

2) Spend more time in fast water.
I tend to spend most of my time working pools and only chuck a random cast or two into riffles. I'm not sure where this prejudice came from.

Non-Fly Fishing
1) Charter a boat for ocean fishing
Will be my first time fishing saltwater. Been meaning to do it for years.

What's on everyone's agenda for the new year?

Your #1 and #2's apply pretty well to me too. My idea of a nymph is generally a Woolly Bugger, and I'll fish the runs and pocket water but largely ignore the riffs. I should get better on those fronts.

Fish the larger Limestoners more than just at prime hatch time would be another for me.
Enjoy being out on the water, whether it is with fly rod in hand or on the bass boat.

Fish even more with my brother.

Get together with some PAFF'ers to fish

Improve my casting skills

Improve my over-all fly-fishing skills.

Share what I have learned with newbies.
Got out fishing 90 days in 2015. For 2016 trying for 91.
Improve casting stroke

Get out for 20 or more days of fishing this year

Take nephews out more often

Experiment on some new waters

Catch brown over 24"

Accidental musky on fly rod
Learn to cast my switch rod and fish streamers on big water.
That way I don't have to try and wade into water that i know I should not be in.
Work on fishing left handed. I have developed tennis elbow in my right arm that is aggravated the worst by fly fishing. I'm sure it's due to bad casting form but no matter how hard I try to prevent it, it still flares up. Actually keeps me from fishing as much as I'd like.
I dunno. I suppose I'd like to get back a bit more into the habitat of taking quick trips in the evening. Maybe some more night fishing this year.
Exploring more new streams.

Maybe try some old school 3 wet fly fishing for native brookies.
1. Work on my double haul.
2. Fish new waters; this one is a given since I bought a house 45 min. from where I live now.
3.Discourage everyone from fishing nymphs in fast water; I've got that covered.
4. Figure out how many rods I actually own and part with a couple. I just found an old Fenwick Premier that hasn't seen the light of day for over 20 years, and I'm sure I have more tubes hidden in the closets too.
5. Do more lake fishing.
fish the Chemung for pike
Plain and simple, Fish more often.
Fish with friends more.

Catch my first 20" trout. I have caught several at 19" but that magic 20" mark eludes me.

Flyfish at least one new stream.

Flyfish more, plain and simple.

Fish more with small flies, (sz 20 and under)
I resolve to fish before the Jamboree and after it, too. And, at least 4 hours of fishing at the Jamboree.
Learn to Czech nymph

Learn to fish Riffles/faster water rather than favor pocket water, runs, and pools

Fill all my boxes and keep them filled

Finally break the 20" mark, I have caught many in the 18-19" range and lost a couple 20s yet that magic number still defeats me.

Teach my best friend to fly fish, he's currently working at it and has come a longgggg way
1. Catch a wild rainbow.

2. Venture farther east and fish some limestoners.

3. Try to find more local water with wild browns in it.

4. Spend at least 1 long/3 day weekend hiking/fishing/camping with no distractions.
Learn more about entomology and use that knowledge to "match the hatch". Most of the time my fly selection is just a crap shoot.
1. Hit 2 or 3 new streams this year in Central Pennsylvania.

2. Make another trip or two to Erie, PA for steelheads next fall.