>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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i tie one for posting

maybe 2 when i muck 1 up lol

i do have a small fly shops worth of materials


Pink Lady

Salmon/Sea Trout

Tom Finlayson

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent

Thread - Black

Tag - Silver tinsel

Tail - Golden pheasant crest

Ribbing - Oval Silver tinsel

Body - 1/2 green tinsel, 1/2 silver tinsel

Throat - Blue Eurasian jay wing feather fibers (Legal feathers only)*

Wing - Pink bucktail over badger guard hairs

There are other flies named "Pink Lady". This is just another variation.

*The Blue Jay feathers in your local wooded area or backyard are illegal to use.

Two Hundred Popular Flies - Tom Stewart

Countess of Seafield

Salmon Fly

Megan Boyd

Hook – Gamakatsu T10-6H

Thread – Black

Tag – Oval silver tinsel

Tail – Golden pheasant crest

Butt – Black wool or ostrich herl

Ribbing – Oval silver tinsel

Body – Rear 2/3 embossed silver tinsel, front 1/3 yellow dubbing

Throat – Blue hen hackle

Wing – Turkey quill

Two Hundred Popular Flies – Tom Stewart

Countess of Seafield - Hairwing

Salmon Fly

Megan Boyd

Hook – Gamakatsu T10-6H

Thread – Black

Tag – Oval silver tinsel

Tail – Golden pheasant crest

Butt – Black wool or ostrich herl

Ribbing – Oval silver tinsel

Body – Rear 2/3 embossed silver tinsel, front 1/3 yellow dubbing

Throat – Blue hen hackle

Wing – Brown bucktail

Two Hundred Popular Flies – Tom Stewart

Prince Charlie

Winged Wet Fly

Hook – Mustad 3399 or equivalent

Thread – Black

Tail – Red floss

Ribbing – Flat gold tinsel

Body – Red floss

Hackle – Black hen

Wing – Mottled partridge tail fibers

Two Hundred Popular Flies – Tom Stewart

Donna May

Hook - Gamakatsu T10-6H or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Red ibis (or substitute) and several fibers of pintail or teal
Butt - Peacock herl
Ribbing - Flat gold tinsel
Body - 1/2 orange seals fur, 1/2 green seals fur or wool
Hackle - Orange hen
Wing - Light blue bucktail and badger, mixed

Two Hundred Popular Flies - Tom Stewart

Endrick Spider

Hook - Mustad 3399 or equivalent

Thread - Black

Tail - Pheasant tail fibers

Abdomen - Pheasant tail fibers

Rib - Fine copper wire

Thorax - Peacock herl

Hackle - Brown partridge

101 Favorite Nymphs and Wet Flies: History, Tying Tips, and Fishing Strategies - David Klausmeyer
anybody else home on this forum?
anybody else home on this forum?
Your flies are just so nice, may I say perfect almost. I use some of your wet flies as examples that I try to imitate. Let’s just say I’m nowhere close to your level so I‘ll keep mine in the box until I am stream side.🤓
BTW, your photographs are excellent also. Please continue letting us see your great work. It’s inspiring. Thank you.
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We are….but we don’t have your tying materials and we tie to fill our boxes so we can go fish with our flies.

posting your flies has nothing to do with my tying materials and i go fishing to when my back pain allows me to

October Caddis Wet Fly

Hook - Curved-shank nymph hook or a 2X-long wet-fly hook, size 6-8

Thread - Orange

Body - Light-orange rabbit dubbing with the guard hairs removed, or your favorite brand of wet-fly dubbing

Ribbing - Pearl tinsel

Hackle - Partridge

Head - A pheasant aftershaft feather or ostrich herl

UV Resin coated head

101 Favorite Nymphs and Wet Flies: History, Tying Tips, and Fishing Strategies – David Klausmeyer

October Caddis Emerger

Hook - Curved-shank nymph hook or a 2X-long wet-fly hook, size 6-8

Thread - Orange

Body - Light-orange rabbit dubbing with the guard hairs removed, or your favorite brand of wet-fly dubbing

Ribbing - Pearl tinsel

Antennae - Teal feather fibers

Head - Peacock herl

UV Resin coated head

October Caddis Jig

Hook - Gamakatsu J20-B or equivalent

Bead - Gold slotted tungsten or brass

Thread - Orange or black

Under body - Orange holographic tinsel

Body - Orange stretch magic beading cord

Thorax - Black ice dubbing or equivalent

Black Spider

Salmon Fly

Ira Gruber

Hook -Mustad 3399 or equivalent

Thread - Black

Tail - Black squirrel tail

Butt - Burnt orange floss

Ribbing - Gold tinsel

Body - Black wool, cigar shaped

Throat - Black hackle

Wing - Black squirrel tail


Black Spider Revised

Salmon Fly

Ira Gruber

Hook - Mustad 3399 or equivalent

Thread - Black

Tail - Dyed orange squirrel tail

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - Olive floss

Throat - Dun hen hackle

Wing - Black squirrel tail

Ira Gruber's Atlantic Salmon Flies - Ira Gruber
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Gray Buck

Salmon Fly

Ira Gruber

Hook - Mustad 9671 or equivalent, size 6
Thread - Black
Tag - Oval silver tinsel
Tail - Light dun hackle fibers
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Light gray wool tapered at both ends
Throat - Light dun hackle
Wing - Badger hair extending well beyond the bend of the hook

Ira Gruber's Atlantic Salmon Flies - Ira D Gruber

Roderick Haig-Brown

Hook - Mustad 3399 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Rib - Fine gold wire
Back - Peacock herl
Body - Olive seal fur dubbing or substitute
Collar - Badger hackle

Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner
I’m tying some Humps cress bugs. 16-12.
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