Zoom Presentation: April Fly Fishing in Northcentral Pennsylvania



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
Are you getting ready for fly fishing this spring? Join Dave Allbaugh and Dave Kile as they take a look at April Fly Fishing in Northcentral Pennsylvania. Dave Allbaugh a Johnstown native, licensed guide and experienced angler in Northcentral Pennsylvania since the 1970s. Dave is widely known for his unique expertise in wet fly fishing and tying.

With spring just getting started, the April hatches offer up some of the first opportunities to plan for some much-anticipated fly fishing. We will take a look at where, when, and how to make the most of the early spring fly fishing season on streams like Kettle Creek, First Fork and Big Pine.

So grab a beverage, kick back and enjoy a fun presentation on Thursday, March 18, 2021, at 7:00 pm.

Topics will include:
Northern Tier streams
April hatches
Flies and streamers
Your questions and answers

Audience: Beginner and intermediate anglers

Presenter: Dave Allbaugh, Wet Fly Waterguides
Hosted by: Dave Kile, Founder of Paflyfish

There is limited space and registration is required in advance for this Zoom meeting: http://bit.ly/3r2mbHg

This is a free educational program and will be recorded. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Dave Allbaugh at The Fly Fishing Show

First Fork in Potter County
A reminder about tonight's program with Paflyfish member Dave "Wetfly" Allbaugh. Dave has been a long-time member on the site and expert on fly fishing Northcentral Pennsylvania.

It will be a very good program to catch up on getting starting in April with your northern tier fishing. Registration is required in advance for this Zoom meeting: http://bit.ly/3r2mbHg

Wonderful program this evening. Thanks for hosting Dave Kile!
Nice presentation, Maxima could have provided the nitty gritty details on all things Northcentral PA!

I always enjoy hearing about others approach to flyfishing. The wetfly approach seems to have worked well for Dave over the years, other than swinging a few at night I have never really tried this tactic. Perhaps one of these years, for now I enjoy exploring the small streams and I don't believe that swinging a brace of wets is the most effective approach in those situations.
I have not been very successful with wet fly fishing, mostly due to lack of trying. I'm gonna see about giving it a go this spring. Hope I can get out with Dave and get a few pointers.

Thank you for attending and glad you enjoyed it. Nice to see so many people and a lot of familiar names. We had over 120 people sign up, not sure how many attended or were able to make it in. I think the limit is 100.


Thank you for taking the time to put that zoom session together tonight. So much great information shared. And that rocks glass of some good ole Kentucky Corn looked pretty good too!
This presentation was excellent! I am super interested in trying out 2-3 wets now. Thanks for making this event happen.

-Bill from Scranton
Thanks for doing that.

It's a region I'm not super familiar with (although I've fished Pine a few times) and I'm a dedicated wet fly angler, so it was interesting to hear it from that perspective.
Yo Dave- super ZOOM. Dave Allbaugh always gives great presentations. When I was on, the screen showed 86 participants. I'm looking forward to revisiting the show when you post it up.
Yo Dave- super ZOOM. Dave Allbaugh always gives great presentations. When I was on, the screen showed 86 participants. I'm looking forward to revisiting the show when you post it up.
Just want to say thanks to Dave and Dave for the great Zoom, looking forward to more in the future.
Thank you all for the feedback and Dave Allbaugh was great to have on as the main event.

I did record the program and want to edit it down a little. Once ready I'll post it back on the site. I hope to have it back here shortly.

Feedback and ideas welcome for other future programs.

Here is the presentation recording. I may move it around up to the events or more permanent location, but its here for a little bit.

I caught the YT of this the other night.
Thanks for putting this together.
It will encourage me to range a bit beyond my regular haunts this year.