dc410 wrote:
The first trout I ever caught on a fly rod was taken on a wet black ant some 40+ years ago. It’s funny how I can vividly remember the details of tying that fly and catching my first trout on the fly on it. It was tied on a size 14 Mustad 3906B hook. Thread was black monocord. I didn’t have any black dubbing back then so I remember plucking some fibers off of a card of black yarn to use as dubbing for the two body sections. The hackle in the center was a feather from a brown Indian neck. It was good enough to fool a stocked brownie on the FFO section of the West Branch of the Octararo Creek and formally kicked off my flyfishing career. Great to take a moment to reflect back on those times.
jifigz wrote:
Since I started this thread, I tied and have been fishing the peacock bodied ant with a soft hackle in the middle and it has netted me a few fish. I was fishing it on the swing in moderate currents. My parachute ant has been killing it for a dry though and far out-fishing the slightly sunken ant.
Baron wrote:
I'm curious as to the line, leader and tippet combo you folks are using with your ants.
Baron wrote:
I'm curious as to the line, leader and tippet combo you folks are using with your ants.
just_jon wrote:
I tie a fluorescent orange hard ant in #18 and 20. I came across the color by accident fishing a trico spinner fall on a Falling Springs. Struggling to find my fly finding the water so I tied on a flo orange fur ant with the spinner trailing off the bend of the ant as an indicator if sorts. Imagine my surprise when the ant out fished the spinner 5 to 1. Next time out, thinking 2 ants were better and I tied the flo orange hard body off the fur ant and cleaned up. The wet ant out fished the dry ant by a similar margin. For the record, I’ve never seen a flo orange ant in person and am not sure they exist, but I have not fished a trico hatch with anything else since.
Well John, this thread is from 2020. I'm not sure why it was randomly revived but......Hadn't seen this thread earlier, so I’ll add my $0.03. (It would have been $0.02 three years ago, before all the recent inflation.)
By far, my most successful wet fly ant pattern is a 3 segment soft black fur body pattern with a couple turns of black hen hackle between the 2nd and 3rd segments. I try to tie each of the segments in the same proportionate size as they’d be on an actual ant. A Tiemco 3761 size #16 hook is my favorite hook for these ants, but I sometimes tie them in size #14 and #18 too.
I’ve almost always fished these with a couple small weights on my leader to get them down deep, but I think I’m going to try tying them with a small black tungsten bead, or 2, placed under one of the fur segments (I really prefer fur rather than bead segments), thereby eliminating the need for weights on my leader.
Years ago, a good friend (who was the river keeper on Coffee Run at the time) gave me a piece of tanned black cat fur, which was perfect for tying those ant bodies. However, another friend’s black lab also liked that cat fur so well that he ate it all one night, and I haven’t been able to get my hands on more black cat fur ever since, so black rabbit seems to work almost as well.
I’ve caught lots of fish on these ants in your back yard, @jifigz, including in Kish, Coffee, Tea, Honey, Penns, Little J, and others.