Your best wild trout in 2024

Best Wild PA fish of the year.


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from a spring creek in montana back in sept


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Looked back through the year and am really glad I was able to out as much as I did.

Here are my two best from the year:


32.5 in. steelhead my first day ever targeting them


21.5 in. Rainbow out of river here in Pa after I moved here. Caught it on my 7ft 6 three weight after leaving my net in the car. 😂 I'm not sure how "wild" rainbows are considered around here though.
Looked back through the year and am really glad I was able to out as much as I did.

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21.5 in. Rainbow out of river here in Pa after I moved here. Caught it on my 7ft 6 three weight after leaving my net in the car. 😂 I'm not sure how "wild" rainbows are considered around here though.
I consider them the same way I consider "wild" browns. If they're the result of natural reproduction in a stream/river, then they're wild in my book.
Looked back through the year and am really glad I was able to out as much as I did.

Here are my two best from the year:

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32.5 in. steelhead my first day ever targeting them

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21.5 in. Rainbow out of river here in Pa after I moved here. Caught it on my 7ft 6 three weight after leaving my net in the car. 😂 I'm not sure how "wild" rainbows are considered around here though.
Just like brooks and browns, there are wild rainbows in PA and there are stocked rainbows in PA. Wild rainbows are just the rarest of the bunch to find across the state, but they exist.
Looked back through the year and am really glad I was able to out as much as I did.

Here are my two best from the year:

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32.5 in. steelhead my first day ever targeting them

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21.5 in. Rainbow out of river here in Pa after I moved here. Caught it on my 7ft 6 three weight after leaving my net in the car. 😂 I'm not sure how "wild" rainbows are considered around here though.
Typically "wild" steelhead that big are extremely rare in PA.
Looked back through the year and am really glad I was able to out as much as I did.

Here are my two best from the year:

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32.5 in. steelhead my first day ever targeting them

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21.5 in. Rainbow out of river here in Pa after I moved here. Caught it on my 7ft 6 three weight after leaving my net in the car. 😂 I'm not sure how "wild" rainbows are considered around here though.
Well that one’s not wild so you would be talking about stocked trout. You either love em or hate em. As others said, their are some wild rainbows to be found in PA but they rarely get to 21”.
Well that one’s not wild so you would be talking about stocked trout. You either love em or hate em. As others said, their are some wild rainbows to be found in PA but they rarely get to 21”.
Well, you don't know where it was caught, so it could be wild. I've seen what I know for sure was an 18" wild rainbow on an unstocked freestone stream. So, a 21" wild rainbow is very possible, considering he mentioned it was caught in a river. Are there not big wild rainbows in the upper Delaware?
Well, you don't know where it was caught, so it could be wild. I've seen what I know for sure was an 18" wild rainbow on an unstocked freestone stream. So, a 21" wild rainbow is very possible, considering he mentioned it was caught in a river. Are there not big wild rainbows in the upper Delaware?
I was just looking at the fins and they looked pretty ragged to me. Not one fin is clean in that fish but rainbows are definitely the hardest to determine wild or stocked based on visual cues.
I do agree, that rainbow doesn't have pristine fins, but that doesn't always tell the story. Like you mentioned, rainbows are often tough to distinguish wild from stocked. I think where a particular fish was caught really helps with that determination.
The second Bow (not the Steelhead) is an obvious stocker. Wild Rainbows look nothing like that. Super razor sharp white tipped fins, sometimes with pink hues in them. Most of the wild populations in PA have a sparser spot pattern than the fish the PFBC uses too. When they’re little, they’re tough to tell, but a tank like that, with fins that raggedy, it’s an open and shut case IMO. 99.5% confidence interval.

Edit: This fish also has a distended anus. Classic hallmark of PFBC fish. I hope krayfish sees this post.

Edit 2.0: It’s got a short gill plate (also common on PFBC fish), and a gooney on its lower jaw below the gill plate.

Not trying to take anything away from the fish. It’s a tank, and no doubt was difficult to catch. But there are zero indicators that would suggest it’s a wild fish.
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Could well be a stocker. But, here's an enlarged pic of a ragged looking anal fin on a wild bow from the Porky. It's why I don't think the fins are always an indicator of a wild fish. Does have the white tipped fins though.
I also look for parr marks, but on bigger bows they're not as pronounced.


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That fin looks fine to me still sharp. Not like it was cut with scissors they all have edges like this when we magnify them...stockers are blunt n rubbery lookin and rays on fins arent straight.
Thanks for the discussion fellas. Learned a lot from it. It was on the Clarion. I figured it was probably stocked at some point (especially where I found it), but I couldn't tell any clear indicators when I was looking at it to tell one way or the other. Swattie, I think you have pointed out some real good clues that point to it being a stocker. I think I learned a thing or two as well. I didn't see a clipped fin, but I know that's not always prevalent in all stockers. I didn't hang on to it long after I got the hook out because we were both exhausted. Haha.

I'm not sure how beat up the fins are is always an indicator tho. I've caught some older wild fish over the years that have been through some things.

I'd be curious to know which major rivers do have known populations of rainbows that successfully reproduce regularly.