You can't make this up.... just hit my funny bone this morning

I do know there are different quality fish feeds. Many state hatcheries are underfunded and use cheap feed with the result of a poor looking fish. Private hatcheries commonly raise a better looking fish using more expensive feed, but part of their marketing is that they raise a higher quality trout.

I hate to mention brookies again, but brookies from gray bottomed limestone creeks tend to have a muted color.

Finally, NJ has lately been a source of many 700 to 800+ lbs black bears. One cause is the larger bears dumpster dive at fast food restaurants and fatten up. Some are starting to show heart disease as well.
I do know there are different quality fish feeds. Many state hatcheries are underfunded and use cheap feed with the result of a poor looking fish. Private hatcheries commonly raise a better looking fish using more expensive feed, but part of their marketing is that they raise a higher quality trout.

I hate to mention brookies again, but brookies from gray bottomed limestone creeks tend to have a muted color.

Finally, NJ has lately been a source of many 700 to 800+ lbs black bears. One cause is the larger bears dumpster dive at fast food restaurants and fatten up. Some are starting to show heart disease as well.
retooling my diet has been one of the hardest things ive done in my life and I am only successful in avoiding the kind of diet that causes diabetes and heart disease 2/3rds of the time. My point is when a bear gets a hold of an Arbys smoke house bbq brisket in a trash can, what the h*ll do berries and tiny gamey forest mammals taste like after that?
Finally, NJ has lately been a source of many 700 to 800+ lbs black bears. One cause is the larger bears dumpster dive at fast food restaurants and fatten up. Some are starting to show heart disease as well.
The SOB's stay out of my garbage, the wife and I eat lower cal, healthier diets. And when the college boys are home anything edible that might make it to the trash has been thrice picked over. My place isn't worth their time. :)