Yet another new tick borne virus



Active member
Feb 10, 2009
It's the time of year we will start seeing ticks. Another new tick borne virus has been identified. Make sure you take precautions when fishing.

I'm starting to soak a set of outdoor clothes with this;

Ever notice how hypochondriacs are the most susceptible to tick borne diseases? And food allergies?
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Ever notice how hypochondriacs are the most susceptible to tick borne diseases? And food allergies?

No. Had several friends and relatives get Lyme disease. Also my dog. Their pain was real. These new viruses, Bourbon and Powassan are much worse than Lyme. I wouldn't want to be infected by any of them.
I think I am inoculated against the bourbon virus.
JackM wrote:
I think I am inoculated against the bourbon virus.

LOL :-D :-D
JackM wrote:
I think I am inoculated against the bourbon virus.

When I first saw that name I was hoping that was the cure. No such luck. :-(
I have suffered from Lyme disease and do not wish it on any one. No I am not a hypochondriac and prefer not to use any type of medicine. I now take every precaution to avoid ticks when outdoors.
Shane and I both had kids that had Lymes Disease last year. Most people get away with 3 weeks of antibiotics and that's the end of it. Sadly, some folks, even when caught early, suffer with it for a lifetime. Be persistent in checking for ticks. This video did not say which ticks are the likely carrier for the virus.

Remember that deer ticks (Lymes Disease) are the size of a speck of pepper when the are most virulent and that's why they are so easy to miss. I check my kids and I'm sure Shane does too, but deer ticks are so small, you often don't see them. Dress right, use repellent, and check. It's all you can do.
Same here SteelerFan,
I picked it up in turkey season last year. Found a large wood tick just under the top of my sock, it had been there less than 48 hours. I removed it and saw the doctor who said it shouldn't be an issue. 2 months later my knee was so swollen I could hardly walk. 3 trips in to have it aspirated removing no less than 50cc's each time and 6 weeks of antibiotics later, it certainly slowed me down all summer. My suggestion is to take caution to avoid ticks this year.
slay12345 wrote:
I removed it and saw the doctor who said it shouldn't be an issue. 2 months later my knee was so swollen I could hardly walk. 3 trips in to have it aspirated removing no less than 50cc's each time and 6 weeks of antibiotics later, it certainly slowed me down all summer. My suggestion is to take caution to avoid ticks this year.

I'm this 1st physician that takes a stand against overuse of antibiotics, but in this case, you should dang near just demand it if you know you have been bit by a deer tick.

My daughter had the target lesion. I took her to the pediatrician. The pediatrician said the same thing. I said, "Well, either you can write the Rx or I will, but this is a situation where it's worth taking the antibiotic." I think the issue is that I'm the guy that sees the results of untreated Lymes, where the pediatrician sees it a lot less.

I don't think you should be an a$$ to your doc, but at the same time, you now see how bad it can get untreated. Even the generic antibiotic for Lymes is expensive, but of all the things worth spending money on....this one is worth it.
PatrickC wrote:
Shane and I both had kids that had Lymes Disease last year. Most people get away with 3 weeks of antibiotics and that's the end of it. Sadly, some folks, even when caught early, suffer with it for a lifetime. Be persistent in checking for ticks. This video did not say which ticks are the likely carrier for the virus.

Remember that deer ticks (Lymes Disease) are the size of a speck of pepper when the are most virulent and that's why they are so easy to miss. I check my kids and I'm sure Shane does too, but deer ticks are so small, you often don't see them. Dress right, use repellent, and check. It's all you can do.

The Bourbon virus is transmitted by dog ticks and Powassan has been transmitted by deer ticks.

There have been so many ticks in the area around my camp that I now place tick tubes out in spring and fall. Hard to tell if this has an impact or not.
I enjoy my job but I have an extremely high exposure rate to ticks as I work in the woods in southeastern PA and northern MD and DE. It's ironic that as I was sitting in my truck today eating lunch I picked 5 deer ticks off of my carhartt pants. This is a fairly normal day for me. My awareness of ticks is very high and any that actually get into me today will be removed very shortly upon me returning home from work. I have battled Lyme disease since the early 90's with multiple recurrences of the symptoms. After reading this thread I guess I will apply a little extra tick spray for the afternoon.
Ticks always seem to find themselves buried into my skin...Good to know
"I picked it up in turkey season last year. Found a large wood tick just under the top of my sock."

Now wait a minute... I though only the Deer ticks carry Lyme?

I'm tired a lot. Maybe I have Lyme disease. How much do those tests cost again?
ive had 4 on my dog since last weekend when i was at my cabin.. went on tuesday and got the dog that seresto flea and tick collar.. supposed to be good for 9 months, (6 months if he/she is a water dog)

so far so good.. if i go to my cabin this weekend that will be the real test

ive had my fair share of ticks embedded.. thank goodness none have transmitted lymes yet
I didn't read the links, but I heard of some tick disease that makes you allergic to red meat.

If I get that I'm dead...

Honestly, I'm not that concerned. I'm going to do what I do, and I'll die the way I die.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Ever notice how hypochondriacs are the most susceptible to tick borne diseases? And food allergies?

By the way, on the serious side, I have to assume that Lyme's is a bacterial infection, and if not, why do antibiotics seem to work. On that same vein, the bourbon virus cannot be fought with antibiotics. Thus, as with other viruses, it can only be prevented through inoculation, as mentioned, or its symptoms can be ameliorated through symptom relief. In conclusion, protection or relief from the bourbon virus requires ingesting or injecting bourbon. Too bad I'm afraid of needles.
Most of the time I stay in the water and only get out when absolutely necessary. Thus only giving them a short time frame to be exposed.

I usually don't worry about the ticks, it's the poison Ivy on the you know what that I get yearly at least once.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
"I picked it up in turkey season last year. Found a large wood tick just under the top of my sock."

Now wait a minute... I though only the Deer ticks carry Lyme?

I'm tired a lot. Maybe I have Lyme disease. How much do those tests cost again?

I believe it is predominantly carried by deer ticks and (don't quote me on this) possibly via wood ticks. I can't be certain THIS was the tick that got me. It is possible I had it prior to or contracted it after the wood tick I found and removed. Either way, I tested positive for Lyme and was treated for it.