Yellow Breeches Fishing Locations



Mar 9, 2014
I have been to the breeches a few times. So far I have fish at allenberry, the bridge in lisburn, and Mckormick park. Can anyone suggest some other hot spots to fish at? I have really only had significant luck at allenberry.
Heavy pressure not for me so I would go far upstream if it was me. I have never fished it tho and don't really have any intention to do so.
Head west young man. . .

YB has a lot of good fishing in the open water where many of us spend most of our time. Personally, I prefer the upper sections - around Boiling Springs, but mostly upriver of RT34. It's stocked from RT 233 downstream.

Lots of good areas to explore.
There is some really nice water on the breeches where your are unlikely to encounter another person but most people, especially on here keep, those spots close to the vest. Best just to do some exploring... There is ton of open water.
Lots of open water, lots of folks fishing it too, one of, if not the most pressured streams in the state....thought I'd fish a bit off the 'beaten path' one weekday on the open water a couple weeks ago, ran across six other fellas that had the same idea. Fishin' was good, but the Breeches generally ain't the place if you're looking for solitude. Of course, the next day I mightta had the whole place to myself along that same stretch, has a lot to do with timing...