Yeah!!!!! off topic

That doesn't change the fact that this was a choke of historic proportions!!!

It's all in fun Matt.

But yes, I was just rubbing it in. It's what I do. I could get double duty on this one. How could I pass that up?

Besides, now that the Browns are playing better, I needed to find someone else to rib this week.. :p

Go Phillies! (and I am serious about that)
Its all good. I just think the phils fans deserve it. Its been a long time. Just think, the team that broke the all time loss record this year has a chance to go all the way. I have alot of Phils fans as friends and boy am I catching alot of crap being a mets fan. Im just upset that all I have is football now. My teams are PSU and Dolphins. :-( . And yes, it was a choke of historic proportions. Im gonna go cry a little more now. At least the trout don't laugh at me. Oh yeah, they do, right after they spit my fly back in my face.
We definitely agree on the Philly fans. The poor bastages deserve it. :-D

Hey Buckbarrett. I'd say the Indians fans deserve it even more except they weren't very loyal to their team this year. Therefore, they don't deserve it. However, I'll root for the Tribe as long as they don't play the Phils in the WS. Besides, we both know that the National League is real baseball. Get rid of the DH!!!
How about those Yanks? No FF Yankee fans on here? Hey Daddy O you forgot to tell your FF buddies you jumped on your two favorites (daughter and nieces) NFL team. The fighting 4-0 Dallas Cowboys... Congratulations to the Phillies though they deserve it after 14 years. As for college my ND gear is away...

Hello Padriac and Merle
ND, Yanks, and Cowboys?


That's tough.
MattD, how do you know the fish don't laugh at you, I know they laugh at me.
Especially when you wear that pink shirt, Chaz.