Yeah!!!!! off topic



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Yeah Phillies! Now lets win it all.
Yeah Chaz, its awesome. I'll admit I wrote them off a couple weeks ago, who would have thought ?

I've watched a lot of games over the years to get to this.

Go Phils...................

And let's all remember to write the Marlins a thank you note for putting the nail in the Mets' coffin... Although it sounds like the Mets lost it more than the Marlins won.
bs........the phils did what they had to thank you is's all positive..............
Willis tried to blow it for the Phils. Don't give me that Marlins crap. :p
Well thanks to some HUGE offense, it was won pretty handily.
LETS GO PHILLIES LETS GO !!!!!!!!!!!! :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
LOL! This sure ashes away 64.
Very exciting game! Go Phils!!


Ps, after watching the SICK PSU offense week after week it's good to see one of my teams come through!
I'll take the high rode on this one!
As a very unhappy mets fan, I must say go Phils and cheer for the NL East. Not happy about it but the phils did win like the last nine against the Mets and Id rather not get destroyed again in a playoff. Guess I gotta hang up the Jersey for a few months. CHOKE.
JF_ wrote:
bs........the phils did what they had to thank you is's all positive..............

I disagree. I don't think the Marlins deserve a special thanks, but I do think a special thanks needs to go out to the Mets. Without the historical choke by the Mets, the Philly’s wouldn't have had the chance to do "what they had to do". Mets were up by 7 games with 17 to go! They went 5 and 12 down that stretch including 1 and 6 in their final 7 home games? Talk about a gift horse. Sure the Philly’s had to win a bunch down the stretch, but without the total collapse of the mets, the Phils effort wouldn't have mattered. I think it is also ironic that the Mets collapse was against a team known for collapses. No offense, but it is true. In fact, it is being compared to the 64 Phillies who were 6.5 in front of Cinci with 12 to go and proceeded to lose the next 10. Lets hope the monkey is off of their backs. I’ll be rooting for them in the national league, and will be rooting for whoever is playing the Yankees in the American.

Anyone remember the amazing Mets (61)? Maybe this was payback. :-D

Well, yeah, that's sort of what I was getting at. Of course my post along that line wouldn't be that well researched.
Well Padraic, I wasn't disagreeing with you. Enjoy it. We don't agree all that often. :lol:

Phillys fans have a lot to be thankful for this year.

And come to think of it, since the Marlins were the last place club in the division, and with the 5th worste record in all the majors, I think they deserve a small thank you.

Nothing negative about a thank you. :-D

Go Phils!

I like the Indians, but Indians fans are so pathetic. Most of them expect them to lose.
If it weren't for the Phillies helping them on their slide, the Mets would have won. I don't think a thank you is necessary though it would be a nice thing to do. If the Phillies hadn't kept the heat on the Mets down the stretch we wouldn't be having this conservation. Not only did the Phillies assure themselves of a first place finish by winning all those games they ultimately assured themselves of a Wild Card spot, because the teams ahead of them all lost over the weekend.
After watching the pathetic pirates lose for the 15th year in a row, it's nice to see another PA team in the playoffs - I'm rooting for the phils also.

By the way, if the pirates have another losing season next year, I believe they'll tie the record for the longest losing streak in any of the major league sports. And I think it's the phils who own that record now - 16 years in a row
I'm just over the western border of PA and glad to be an Indians and MLB fan . Phillies I feel ya. Even when my team wasnt in the play offs its still the best time of the year. The Pirates are building, but, too slowly. The fans shouldnt give up on the Pirates, like many of my PA friends have. I believe the Phillies have the record for most losses of any team, not most losing seasons. But, look how long they have been around. So that statistic is obsolete when you think of the expansion teams like Florida, Washington. Arizona
Chaz wrote:
If it weren't for the Phillies helping them on their slide, the Mets would have won. I don't think a thank you is necessary though it would be a nice thing to do. If the Phillies hadn't kept the heat on the Mets down the stretch we wouldn't be having this conservation. Not only did the Phillies assure themselves of a first place finish by winning all those games they ultimately assured themselves of a Wild Card spot, because the teams ahead of them all lost over the weekend.


I'm not trying to burst your bubble. I like the Phils, but I am not a Phillies fan, so I am looking at this without bias. It's true the Phillies were very hot down the stretch, and without that, they would be watching the playoffs. They did do what they had to do. But the bottom line is that when you are ahead, wins assure that you stay ahead, but when you are behind, the wins only assure you don't fall further behind. You must rely on the other teams to lose and in this case the Mets had to lose a lot.

With 17 games left, the Phils were also 2 games behind in the wildcard race (behind SD and tied with Col). At the end of the season, all three teams had the same record. In other words, the Phils weren't "assured" of the wildcard either, even after finishing 13-4 down the stretch.

Phillies are hot. Lets hope this carries into the playoffs. But Colorado is just as hot right now (won 12 of last 13 to reach a tie with SD).
Phils don't have anyone to thank but themselves. I am a mets fan. Would you say that I would have to thank the Phils for their 4-11 start to the year if the mets won? Flip the Phils season around and it would have been neck and neck the whole time.